𝐿𝑒𝑡'𝑠 𝐷𝑜 𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝒉𝑖𝑒𝑓

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After their conversation, all of them happily get ready to attend the match. So, there will be two matches in quidditch, one to decide which team will be in the finals and another battle between the final groups.

When everyone took their seats, heaven felt a familiar magic signature. She looked around and was shell shocked as she saw none other than tom marvolo riddle. Yes, he isn't that snake-faced-no-nose-man yet so that she will call him tom, and by the look of his face, she could practically hear him say in her head, my follow-death eater. We have all gathered here to prove to the world that we are real by spreading our fear, and what better place than this quidditch game.

She knew she had to do something. That's when she had a perfect idea, and she started laughing wickedly while everyone around her looked at her with a bit of fear.

The devil himself swore he feared none, but at that moment, he would be lying if he said so.

After that little moment, they started giving their attention to the match.

But heaven had different plans. She seated with Siri and James on one side while Regulus and Remus on the other.

"you know, I just had an idea what your task should be," she stated happily.

that catches their attention 

"what might that be" asked Regulus.

"you see the man there-" she said, pointing in his direction.

"- he is planning something. The wicked grin he is giving, do any of you think it's creepy and sadistic. like he waiting for something, something big and bad like an attack," said heaven

"then we should call my dad he is head of aurora. I am-" heaven cut James off by saying.

"We don't have any evidence, and even if we did, do you think that man looks like he can't have his way by manipulation. Hell, even if the minister were here to arrest him, he will, just like this*(snapping his fingers)* would have manipulated him, and we will be in so much trouble." said heaven. As they all look at her, amazed

beautiful. Powerful and clever.

It was the same thought they all were thinking.

"so what should we do" asked Sirius.

"oh, that's where you all come in", stated heaven wickedly.

"so, the rules are simple. You have to go invisible and annoy, anger, or embarrass tom as much as you can so that he would run out of here with his tail between his legs. " said heaven darkly.

"well, don't you things that's a little cruel of us to do this heaven," asked Remus hesitatingly, not wanting to oppose his newly founded friends,

her eyes softer. Poor Remus. Always thinking good for everyone. So, she decided to tell them the truth.

"Tell me, have you heard about Voldemort," she asked.

All of them look at her comprehensive eye. Well, it looks like they have.

"w-what about him," asked Remus.

"well, the man is Voldemort," she said.

"ho-how do you know heaven. Ho-how can sound so, sure," asked Sirius.

Now, she can't tell them. that she knew him from the future, but she can tell them about her observation.

"for one, look at the people around him, Siri. You are black. You know all the dark side families. Look around. What do you see" asked heaven?

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