Chapter seven:

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"I'm telling you, I know they saved me but they have some serious issues! Dean thinks you're a vampire for one. Not a fake vampire, no. He's absolutely batshit and thinks vampires are real and that you are one!" Danny ran a hand down his face while the two sat in his bedroom in the bunker. "I did trust them but now? I just think they really are lunatics!"

"Do you think you are safer here than at home?" She asked. Danny sighed and leaned against the head board of the bed.

"I honestly don't know...if I go home they'll just turn me in to the guys and white won't they?" Danny closed his eyes. "It sucks."

"You could always go to the ghost zone right?" She asked. Danny looked at her and then at his feet. "Danny?" He looked up.

"I could, but most of the ghost would probably attack me... I don't really know if any of them are working with the guys in white because they did capture a lot of ghost other than me and of any of them are working with the guys in white they'd probably capture me again and lock me away and I just-."

"Breathe, Danny." Danny took a deep breathe and started to cry.

"Sorry, it just feels like nowhere is safe anymore." She hugged him and he leaned into her touch. "I can't even go to school the guys in white would probably be there right away to take me..."

"I know danny, I know." She smiled sadly.

"Sam?" He looked at her confused.

"Look, Danny..." alarms in the bunker started blaring and Sam looked at Danny whose eyes widened.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME SAM!?" Danny ran from his room and out to the main area of the bunker. Sam and Dean had weapons on them. Dean looked at Danny.

"Danny, go back to your room. Stay in there kid." Danny went ghost and floated above them.

"It's the guys in white, Sam called them." Danny said sadly. Deans eyes widened.

"Dude why would she betray you like that!?" He shouted.

"Because they threatened my family." She cried. "Danny please-."

"I understand sam, but now is not the time!" Danny glared at her.

"You understand!? She is trying to kill you! She called the guys who just tortured you!" Dean shouted. "She doesn't deserve the 'I understand' bullshit that just came out of your mouth!"

"Chill!" Danny shouted. "Sams family is-."

"Perfectly fucking fine." Dean growled. Danny looked over and saw Sam smiling only to stop when she saw Danny looking at her.

" lied to me!? Why are you working with them!?" Danny flew away from her, he had tears flowing down his face. "Why would you do this..."

"I'm sorry Danny..." she looked away.

"You aren't sorry and you know it so stop saying that!" Danny cried. He dropped to the floor and turned back into Fenton. "I CANT TRUST YOU SAM!" he looked at the doors of the bunker and then at Sam and Dean, then back at his Sam. "You were not only one of my best friends but my girlfriend and you went and betrayed me like this? I can't even look at you right now..."


"Just stop it Sam!" Danny cried. Suddenly the doors burst open and Danny turned around only to be grabbed by the wrist by Sam and a blood blossom bracelet put on his wrist. He screamed. Dean and Sam turned looking at the two.

"Why is he in pain!? What did you do!" Dean cried.

"I'm sorry..." Sam whispered. Danny screamed and screamed feeling the pain travel through his body.

"G-Get out." Danny cried as tears filled his eyes even more. "I HATE YOU!" He screamed in pain again and curled up holding his wrist to his chest.

"DANNY!" Dean was dragged out the bunker doors after one of the guys grabbed his gun. Sam followed after him looking back at Danny. Danny watched the brothers leave and Sam looked at him.

"You did say you didn't trust them Danny." She smiled. Danny shook his head as he screamed in pain. "Maybe you should think about who you trust before blindly trusting them." She walked away and Danny screamed again. Why would Sam betray him like this?!

AN sorry it took me forever to update this book but I hope you liked the update!

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