Chapter Nine:

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Danny took a deep breathe as one of the shocks went through his already beaten body. He collapsed to his knees and looked up at the brothers who were chained to the wall.

"I'll ask you one more time winchesters, where is it?" (At this point I forgot who these guys were and what they were looking for so just roll with it lmfao good luck) Dean looked over at Sam and they both looked back at Danny. Danny laughed.

"Just kill me already, they clearly won't tell you if it means you stop torturing me. Don't you see asshole? They only care for eachother." Danny cringed at his words but he kind of knew some of that was the truth.

"They also care for innocents so I know they won't want you to be hurt more than you already are..." the man laughed. "Turn it up to twelve hundred volts."

"Are you fucking insane!?" Sam shouted. "That's going to kill him!!"

"Exactly, he believes you don't care for him you?" Danny heard the electric collar turn on and tears filled his eyes.

"N-No!" He screamed. "Please no!" He started shaking even though there wasn't any electricity running through the collar yet. "Please I can't....not again..."

"Oh my god please! Kids been through enough electric shock! He almost died even! So please you can't do this!" Sam shouted.

"Well this isn't like you Winchester." He laughed.

"Sam, Dean, I'll be fine." Danny took a deep breathe. He's either die, or he'd just lose his powers like last time. The shock went through and Danny screamed and screamed and screamed as he fell to the ground. He shifted between both forms without even trying. Tears filled his eyes when the pain finally stopped and he pulled himself together as he slowly sat up and glared at the guys.

"Shocker he survived that?" He walked over and pulled Danny's hair and forced Danny onto his knees. "What's with the new hair?" He started running his hands through Danny's hair and part of it fell into his face. The part that just so happened to be dyed completely white.

"Kid are you okay?" Dean asked. Danny winced in pain as the guy holding him tugged on his hair.

"Course he's not." The guy laughed even harder. "In fact..." he kicked Danny's side while still holding tightly to Danny's hair and Danny cried out in pain as he collapsed to the ground. He tried to reach for the guys hands to get him to let him go but he couldn't so he just hung in the guys grasp helplessly.

"P-Please..." Danny backed up and tried to pull away but the man held tighter and pulled him to his feet.

"So winchesters, where is it?" Danny heard the collar snap on and his eyes widened.

"Are you trying to kill me!?" He struggled against the man as tears filled his eyes. "FUCK!" He hissed in pain as the collar started jolting him with electricity. His eyes started closing and he looked at the Winchesters one last time. He hated them. So much.

AN so sorry this took forever to update: I'm hoping to get back into writing but I've been so busy with life I haven't been able to. I feel so bad if you actually enjoyed this story I left it on such a cliff hanger last chapter lol

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