chapter four:

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"Fuck this shit." Danny groaned as he threw a pen at Sam's head. Sam caught the pen and glared at Danny.

"Why are you acting like a child!" Sam  shouted annoyed. Danny scoffed and folded his arms across his chest.

"Yeah do realize I am a child right? Like I'm only fifteen..." Danny grumbled. "What are you in your fourties? You are very old compared to me." Sam face palmed.

"Can you please not bring up my age." Sam mumbled as he looked at his laptop. Danny walked over and looked over Sam's shoulder.

"What are you even researching?" Danny asked. His face heated up when he saw the screen with photos of him and Sam Manson. "Dude why are you on my schools website?"

"Trying to contact the teachers to get all your files and-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Relax mister tall and dark. I'm not going to leave my school just yet." Danny looked down at the laptop and smiled at the photo of Sam.

"Okay, but I'm coming with you to explain why you were gone...that is if anyone really cares." Sam whispered under his breath but Danny caught it and he frowned.

"Asshole." Danny mumbled as he felt tears fill his eyes. "I hate this, I'm going to just-"

"Did you just call me an asshole under your breath ghost boy?" Sam chuckled. "Damn dan-"

"Don't you fucking dare Sam!" Danny screamed. Sam just chuckled.

"Just go to the car, I'll go get Dean and we can all head back together." Sam walked towards the bedrooms and Danny walked up the winding staircase towards the exit of the bunker. He looked at his hand that rested on the railing for a second as thoughts pounded through his head. Were the Winchesters just being nice to him so they would gain his trust and then torture him? Danny felt tears fall down his face as he finished the walk up the stairs. He looked at the sky and bit his lip. He had to trust them...they were trying to help him. Right? Sam protected him from the agents that ripped him open like a sack of flour...that meant they were good right? Danny looked into the cars reflection and ran a finger down a scar he now has on his cheek. He'll trust Sam for now. He heard bickering and he turned to face the two brothers as they walked towards the car. He smiled a fake smile and then turned back to look at the car. Back to amity they go.

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