Chapter five:

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"DANNY!!" Sam ran over and jumped into his arms. The Winchester brothers looked really confused and Danny just laughed.

"Girlfriend" he said with a whisper.

"Oh so that's why you wanted to come back here so badly, you know she can always stay in the bunker with us. Hey you know what? Your whole team can stay with us!"

"Danny we were so worried!" Sam looked him over then looked over at the Winchesters. "What did you do to him? Why was he gone so long?" She growled out.

"Sam it's okay...this is-" Danny bit his lip and then quickly changed Sam and deans names. "Agent Quimby and Jackson. FBI. They are investigating the guys In white and they just so happened to be the ones who saved me from them."

"So, you ran off because you were caught and expect me to believe that you are okay right now?" Sam asked. Danny nodded. "Bullshit."

"Sam!" Danny cried.

"I like her, look girlie, he's fine. Clearly alive. So for once just trust the kid." Dean said. Sam huffed.

"I don't trust you for shit." She growled.

"Feelings mutual sweetheart." Dean mumbled. "Seriously are you a vampire?" He asked. Danny face palmed.

"No, she isn't. You idiot." Danny grumbled. "Come on, we have a lot of explaining to do."

A.n. sorry about the short chapter, hope you like it anyways.

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