chapter three:

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"Would you look at that, he passed out. We'll keep you alive for now." The agent looked at Sam and then back at Danny who was sitting opened up on the lab table in front of the agent.

"You sick fucks!" Sam cried. Sam looked worriedly at the pale form of the child on the table. Danny was just a kid, he shouldn't have had to go through this. The agents smirked as they stitched him back up sloppily and dragged him carelessly out of the lab. Sam followed and they locked them both in the same cell. Sam would have ran if it weren't for the kid. He actually started to care for Danny and there was no way he'd ever leave the kid behind to be expiermented on and die! Sam walked over and pulled Danny into his lap. He  pulled off his flannel shirt and started ripping it to shreds, wrapping the wounds he could.

"Ugh.." Danny groaned as he shifted.

"Danny listen to me, you have to stay still. You can reopen your wounds if you move too much." Sam said. Danny opened his eyes and looked up at Sam and he nodded his head slightly as his eyes fluttered closed. Sam heard the cell open and he pulled Danny closer to him slowly so he didn't agitate the wounds.

"Grab expierment X." The agent growled. The other agents cane forward and carelessly grabbed Danny. Sam growled.

"Leave him alone!" Sam screamed.

"He's a Frea-"

"HE'S A CHILD!" Sam screamed. Danny opened his eyes and screamed in pain when he felt the agent gripping his hair and dragging him from the room. Sam stood up. "Stop this!" Sam shouted. The agent lashed out and Sam fell to the ground with a bloody nose. He hissed and looked up at the agents. "Go to hell you sick fucks!"

"I have a problem with that suggestion." Suddenly Crowley was leaning against the wall.

"What the fuck-" Crowley glared at the agent and snapped his fingers snapping the agents neck. The other agents pulled out guns and Crowley rolled his eyes.

"Oh please." He snapped his fingers and the agents fell dead. "They were rather annoying..."

"Crowley they have-"

"Danny Fenton. Yes I know." Crowley sighed. "You want me to help save him  don't you?" Crowley asked. Sam nodded.

"He's a kid Crowley-"

"He's also someone who cheated death." Crowley pointed out. "Need I remind you about last time you fucked with a reaper-"

"Crowley I swear-"

"Fuck you moose." Crowley flashed out of the cell and Sam grabbed a gun and ran towards where he heard Danny's screams for help.

"STOP HURTING HIM!" Sam shoved the agents away. Danny leaned into Sam's arms and he started crying violently.

"P-Please just...just make the pain stop." Danny whimpered.


"Just end it." Danny whimpers. "I don't want to be hurt anymore." Sam started to cry as he held Danny in his arms.

"I'm not killing you, and I'm not going to let you kill yourself either." Sam said sadly. Danny held tighter to Sam.

"Please..." Sam rubbed Danny's head.

"No." He whispered softly. He knew the pain of wanting to just curl up and die. He knew why Danny felt this way and he didn't want a kid to feel that way. These agents hurt him too much and it was time Danny felt like someone actually cared about him. "It's time someone took care of you, and I'm going to make sure you get that." Danny opened his eyes and looked at Sam.

"My family cares about me.." Danny said. Sam raised an eyebrow.

"If they cared do you really think you'd be here? Do you really think they wouldnt have pointed out how small you are? Look at you your a twig!" Sam cried.


"Don't start with the bullshit of my family loves me, they clearly don't give two shits that you were bruised and broken! The first thing I noticed about you when we met was the bags under your eyes from lack of sleep! I noticed a silent depression and I am not letting you sit here and tell me you'd rather be dead than alive! Your situation could be worse Danny!" Sam lifted Danny into his arms slowly. "I'm bringing you home."

"But-" Sam just huffed and Danny shut up.

"I promise to take care of you." Sam said as he smiles at Danny. "I'm not going to break that promise."

"I don't know moose, Danny Winchester has quite the ring to it." Suddenly Crowley appeared. Danny squealed in surprise.

"Crowley what the hell!" Sam shouted. Crowley laughed.

"Welcome by the way, I took care of all the agents. You can get him home without almost being captured." Crowley smirked at Sam. "Take care." He flashed away and Sam looked at Danny.

"Let's go home." Sam said. Danny smiled and leaned into Sam. Sam smiled as he slowly walked out of the building still holding Danny. "Take a nap Danny, you need it." Danny nodded.

"Thank you Sam." Danny mumbled as he pulled himself tighter to Sam's chest. Sam smiled and kept walking.

"Your welcome." Sam whispered.

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