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I reached Noah's house and knocked on the door. Glancing in the window in the corner, I ran fingers through my hair. I wore a beige, full sleeve top with a black and white check skirt.

I smiled as Mrs. Stone opened the door. "Good evening, Mrs. Stone."

"Good evening, dear." She returned my smiled and kissed my cheek. "Noah is upstairs in his room, I'll call him-"

"No need." I cut her off. "I'll just go upstairs."

"Ok. I'm making dinner. Do you want me to make something for you?"

"No, I'll eat anything." I smiled and went upstairs.

I reached Noah's room quietly to scare him, and when I turned; I froze in my steps and took a sharp inhale at the sight.

Noah stood towards his bed, with his bare tanned back facing me. My eyes wandered over his broad shoulders to his biceps and flickered lower than stopped on his round butt. I internally groaned when I saw his pants.

Couldn't he be fully naked?!

I glanced at the mirror in the corner that gave me a view of his front. My eyes went to his abdomen, and I saw a hint of packs being forming. I darted my gaze to his hard chest and my mind went to when they were pressed against mine, making my body heat. My eyes lingered on his chest, but I snapped out of my daydreams when Noah shifted.

Turning around, I hid behind the wall. I put a hand on my chest and felt my heart drumming furiously. This wasn't the first time I saw him naked... I mean, we used to take a bath together when we were kids, but that was not the point.

I shook my head to clear it and patted my hot cheeks. I blew a breath out.

Focus, Lexi.

"I'm here!" I announced loudly and turned towards Noah.

His eyes grew enormous when he saw me and instantly wore the shirt that was in his hands. "Lexi!"

"Ops!" I fake gasped and whirled on my heels. "Sorry, I didn't know you were naked." I bit my lip to control the laugh that was threatening to come out.

"I-It's alright." He stuttered. "Y-you can turn n-now." I turned and giggled at his flushed face. "You came early."

I was eager to see you.

"I was free when you called, so I came." Shrugging my shoulders I smiled and walked towards his bed. "You should wear this one." I picked the black shirt and gave it to Noah. "black never goes wrong."

"Ok." He chuckled and took the shirt. "I'll go change then." He went towards his bathroom.

"You can change here." He halted in his steps. "I mean, I already saw you naked." I teased.

"I-I wasn't naked," I covered my mouth to control my laugh, "and I'm fine with changing in the bathroom."

I burst out laughing when he rushed towards the bathroom and sat on his bed. After a minute he came out red as a tomato and avoided eye contact with me.

"C-can you wait for a minute, I n-need to get something."

I smiled. "Sure. Take as long as you want." He glanced at me and smiled, then went downstairs.

I dangled my legs, sitting on his bed, and waited for him to come back. I looked around his small boyish room and smiled at the posters of different old bands.

I heard footsteps coming and grinned towards Noah, but it faded when I saw Elizabeth with him.

What is she doing here?

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