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I blinked my eyes at Ivy. "Don't act like you didn't already know." She scoffed.

"I knew that... but I thought it was because I'm prettier than you." She looked at me deadpan, then sighed.

"I used to admire you when I first met you and wanted to become your friend because of that... confident and strong vibe you gave."

"And then when I became close to you, I unconsciously compared my life with yours. The sweet relation you had with your parents made me jealous and the fact that you had amazing friends to support you. After a while, everything about you made me jealous."

I bit my lip as I watched Ivy blurting her guts out.

She let out a dry laugh. "And when I found Jax liked me over you. It was a boost to my ego that I was better than you and... did things..." She trailed off, gulping.

"We all did stupid things were aren't proud of," I admitted.

I was not proud of the deal I made with Jax just to make her jealous.

"Now I'm getting slut-shame for that." She gave me a sad smile. "You reap what you saw right."

I nodded my head, and we went silent for a while. "I never knew you hated me for that."

"I started hating you when you took the guy I liked away." She muttered under her breath, but I heard her.

"What?" I looked at her dumbfounded.

"No-nothing." She gave a nervous laugh.

"Yes, you did..." My brows shot up when I joined the dots. "Kevin?" She looked at me horrified confirming my thoughts."You like Kevin?!"

"I said nothing-" I broke up laughing.

"OMG! I seriously wasn't expecting that!"

"Shut up." She groaned, rubbing her hands over her face. "Just don't tell anyone."

"Sure..." I pressed my lips in amusement.

"I'm serious!" She said sternly.

I covered my mouth, giggling, then halted. "Wait..." I tilted my head in confusion. "If you like Kevin, why did you sleep with-"

"I never wanted that to happen." She hesitated. I waved my hands, urging her to continue. "I was in the bathroom vomiting my guts out in the room when I heard Emily and Darren helping Jax into the room. When they left, I got out...Jax and I talked for a while and I don't even remember what we were talking about thing led to another... sleeping with Jax was not my plan."

"I saw you both drunk that night so whateva..." I shrugged.

"You aren't angry about it?" She wondered.

If I still liked Jax, I would have buried her alive, but it didn't matter now.

"I'm mad because it ruined my reputation," I muttered. "Did you guy talked after that?"

She shook her head. "It got pretty awkward in the morning when we woke up and then Kevin burst in beating Jax to a pulp. I tried to stop him but it didn't work so I tried to call Noah-"

"That's why you called him?" I asked. I remembered her calling Noah that day when we were at his house practicing out the recipe.

"Yeah..." She looked at me in confusion.

"I was with Noah when you called and I thought you were..."

"I was what?" She urged me to speak.

"I thought you were trying to come between us like you did with Jax." I blurted.

She chuckled. "Noah is a great guy and I like him-"

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