Chapter 3:Meeting Him Part 1

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After waiting in so long in traffic, I finally arrived at the residence of Donovan Johnson.

I stepped from my black car, gaping at the large mansion that was set in front me, towering over me as if attempting to intimidate her.

The cream coating of the paint shined as the sun beat down on it, causing me to have to squint.

Uniquely twisted fencing kept the house enclosed, neatly trimmed hedges surrounded the house. The roof was peaked, slanting down at an angle.

The windows had royal purple curtains hanging on the other side of them, drawn so that the sunlight could stream through.

I went over to the front door and stabbed the doorbell, which glowed with a yellow light surrounding the white button.

Hearing a faint 'ding dong' I huffed, waiting for someone to come to the door.

It was, moments later, opened by a lady wearing a pink and black work suit, her hair pulled back into a tight bun. "Ah, hello, are you here for the interview?" She asked.

"Yes, my name is Mia Camera," I replied and she nodded her head. She then stepped aside so that I could enter.

"Nice meeting you, I'm Rose. I'm Mr. Johnson personal assistant which I believe we spoke before." She fixed the ending of her midlength maid dress outfit.

"Yeah, I call you yesterday to schedule an appointment and nice meeting you too," I smiled, sheepishly not knowing what else to say. I just followed behind her as she led us to where I assumed would be Mr. Johnson's office.

"Mr. Johnson is in his office that's on the second floor. Currently, he is having an interview with some girl but I'm sure it won't take long," She waved her hand, nonchalantly.

"Okay..." I replied as we headed upstairs and soon we were in front of his office.

"You can wait out here while I tell Mr. Johnson that you're outside waiting," She smiled and I nodded my head.

She then opened his office door and walked inside, closing the door behind. Moments later, she popped her out in the doorway.

"You can come in now and good luck," She said as I gave her a small thank you.

I walked in the office nervously, seeing that it was huge which I wasn't surprised considering the residence was a mansion.

Looking forward, I saw another girl her things to leave which she seemed a bit upset.

I couldn't imagine the words the transpired between Mr. Johnson and her but whatever it was I assumed it wasn't good.

"I hope you have a good day Mr. Johnson even though I'm sure you'll regret not hiring me," She flipped her and squared her shoulders to appear more confident.

"You too considering you won't be the first nor last to tell me that. Now off you go because quite frankly you are starting to waste my time and one of the things I hate is for my time to be wasted," He said in gruff baritone voice, making my attention turned towards him, "actually Rose, escort her out of my home before I lose my patience," He said darkly.

"Ah yes sir will do," Rose replied as she quickly shewed away the girl out of the room as she quietly wished me good luck.

When my attention really focused on Mr. Johnson there was only one word to describe the sun-kissed man.

Where his eyes were the green of fresh dew glinting in the sunlight off a leaf of green emerald. His lips were pink and think and his nose slender and rounded.

A prominent jaw curved gracefully around and the strength of his neck showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped his entire body; strong arms, bold thighs and calves, a firm chest and abdomen.

He was an Adonis among the other men and one look would make both women and men swoon at the sight of him.

"Helloooo..." He said annoyed, snapping his fingers loudly which made me come back to reality.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were talking to me, sir," I said, nervously.

I felt embarrassed since I wasn't even hired yet, but here I was daydreaming before Mr. Johnson could interview me.

"Well, who else will I be talking to when is just us two now?" He asked in a serious tone as he clenched his jaws and narrowed his eyes at me. 

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