Chapter 27: Money Troubles?

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Today was a Saturday and sure enough, a free day for me to relax and not work.

I smiled at ease since finally work week came to an end until my next work shift that would be from Monday to Friday.

I had no idea what I was going to do today but each which way I wanted to relax and not do much of anything.

Honestly, if the girls wanted to go out today, I probably would turn down the offer to stay in my room instead.

At least then I could catch up on some missing shows and starting planning out my life on paper as in where I wanted to be in the next five years.

I considered working here was an investment in my future goals.

At the moment, I made a lot more money that I could even open up my own small business.

That seemed like a good idea since then I would continue to be financially stable, build up my credit, and even get my place since I wasn't planning on moving in back with my parents anytime soon.

Just from last night, a short time Donovan, I was able to get the money I wanted out of him which was a thousand dollars.

He promised me more later on in the week when he was less busy so he could spend more time with me.

Also, the extra money was for my upkeeps and stuff.

Even though making money this way was wrong, I try to ignore the wrong and look at the positive stuff that outweighs it.

Perhaps my dignity was something to me that always came to my mind, but I needed the money and desperate times called for desperate measures.

Besides, I wasn't the only one messing with Donovan since other girls around here did too.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if one of my friends so also.

Considering the person who seemed the most down to earth could turn out to be the one who surprised you the most.

Anyway, I remembered that I needed to give part of the money to Chelsea for her car fixing, I went to knock on her door to see if she still needed the money.

I knocked a few times on the door, and after a moment Chelsea opened up the door with wearing casual clothes.

When she saw me she looked surprised and closed her doorway further to make sure I didn't look inside her room.

With her eyes darting wild in every direction of the hallway corners left and right, she seemed sort of suspicious.

"Hey um...hey girl what's up?" She smiled, nervously.

Not thinking it was anything like she would be up to something secretive, I ignored since what she did behind her closed doors was none of my business anyway.

"Hey, I have the money you wanted to loan from me yesterday?" I held out the money for her to take it.

"Um thank you but it is okay. I called my mom yesterday asking her and she transferred the money to my account," She smiled.

"Oh okay, that's great. I guess I'll keep the money I wanted to give you then," I smiled, placing the money in my back pocket.

"Yeah go right ahead. In fact, why not go splurging if you can, but yeah I got my car fixing issue covered," She laughed a bit.

Suddenly, I heard something in her room being knocked over with someone groaning in pain.

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