Chapter 13

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"Hidan, I have to study! You can't just bother me all the time, not during exams!" You scold him while he comes from nowhere and lies in your lap.

"I just wanted to love you, relax!"

"I have to study!"

"I know! Don't be nervous, you'll do fine." He holds your hand and reassures you.

"Yes, you will do fine, un. Just help us study, too? We are not dumb, I promise!" Dei sits next to you with a chuckle.

You roll your eyes but see Obito and Rin walking holding hands, and you saw him smiling at her.

Why were they holding hands? They aren't dating are they? No I don't think so. But I did see them going together? Or was I seeing things?  I don't remember much from that day. Was it always about her?

You stare at nothing in particular, thankfully since Deidara follows your line of sight and Hidan snaps his fingers in front of your eyes to bring you out of your thoughts.

"Do you want us to leave you alone?", Deidara asks politely looking at the lost expression on your face.

"Now why would she want that? Maybe she wants you to leave us alone!", Hidan chimes smugly pulling you closer to him. You blush involuntarily, you weren't used to being touched this often or shown affection to.

"Nah, let's study. We don't have many days, and you guys need to pass. Kakuzu texted he already has a room, so let's just join him." Getting up, you pick up your books to find the room Kakuzu texted about.

Hidan holds your waist and pulls you into him to let Deidara walk ahead.


"Do you wanna go watch a movie or something?"

You think he is joking, so you laugh, but realize he is serious.

"I can't. I have to study, Hidan!" You try wiggling out of his grip but he doesn't let you.

"What is the big deal? You study so much anyway!"

"I said I can't. Can we stop talking about this?"

"Fine." He leaves you abruptly with a pout.

"You let me have these two weeks and I will make it upto you!" You boldly claim his lips kissing the pout off his face but before he could kiss you back, you wink at him and run downstairs to where the study room was.

"That's not fair!" he cries behind but follows you nonetheless.


"You know what?" Rin exclaims, as she keeps her bottle on the desk and joins Obito and Kakashi.

"What?", Obito asks without lifting his head from his textbook.

"Your friend, the one with those love bites? I keep forgetting her name!"

"Who?" Obito lifts his head up a little, but doesn't meet Rin's eyes since he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Y/N? I think her name is?" she continues with excitement.

"What about her?"

"She IS dating Hidan, for sure! Remember that day I was telling you it must be him, I definitely saw them kissing just now. I was right!" she squeals.

Obito glances at Kakashi who glances back at him. Staring at nothing in particular for a minute, Obito sighs.

"What's wrong?" Rin asks unaware of their shared glances.

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora