Chapter 3

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Another weekend, another party.

"I don't want to go anywhere", you text Hayate, lying in your bed with Netflix and chips like usual.

-Yugao calling-

"Shit", you say and pick up the call. "We don't really want to go either, but let's go", she says.

"Why though?", you whine

"You are too asocial for your own good. Now come on, we'll go for a while and be back. We are coming over to pick you", she says.

"No, I'll get my car", you say and disconnect the call. You sit staring at the ceiling for well over 10 minutes, till your phone chimes:

Yugao: We are leaving in 5. (more like 15)

You let out a huge sigh and get up from your bed. You dust the chip crumbs and look at yourself in the mirror. You do get dressed up though. You wear a cute skater dress and throw a denim jacket over it and pair it with your sneakers. You put on a scarf and tie your hair back and quickly put on eyeliner and some lip gloss. You are satisfied with how you look and leave. 

You text Yugao that you are leaving your place now and they follow suit.

~~ time skip~~

30 minutes in and you have already lost Yugao and Hayate to other friends and you are alone in the party full of people.
You find a then secluded corner where you think not too many will notice you and plop down sipping your drink and observing everyone. Your seat was just behind the food and drinks table, so you were in a corner and it was difficult to spot you.

You see Obito. He is already there with his group but Rin invites her "project partner" that she is too cozy with maybe to make Kakashi jealous. But it was clear that it actually made Obito jealous.

It was funny to see people reacting from so far, their subtle movements very obvious. You start scrolling your phone mindlessly. When you look up you see Obito walking over to the table to get a drink. He sees you eating ice from your drink since there is no more cocktail left in your cup.

A faint smile appears on his face that grows quickly as he approaches you. You return his smile and wave at him, finally finding someone who you liked speaking to. But before he can start talking your eyes drift to Asuma who approaches the table with Kurenai and she spills whatever she had in her cup on herself. Both look pretty drunk already. He tries to find a napkin but couldn't find one. He looks at you in case you have a spare one and you actually give your scarf absent-mindedly. He takes it, too and wipes her dress off, and gives it back to you. Obito clearly sees the whole scene with a shocked face, not knowing why you did the thing you did.

He approaches you laughing, "what is wrong with you?", he says. "Nothing, why?", you finally peel your eyes off Asuma and Kurenai and look at him.

"Why did you give him your scarf?"

"Because there were no napkins?"

"So you say there are no napkins? Why the f*ck did you give him your scarf? Are you a bit woozy in your head?", he asks earnestly but still laughing.

"Shit, yes. I am.", you actually say dawning upon you what had just happened.

"I freeze when he talks to me. I used to be okay around him but now that I know we don't talk much, every time he comes up to me, my brain is like "wait is he talking to me? oh shit, oh shit why is he talking to me?" then my brain goes "Oh god why is he talking to me? I can't think! He is too hot, he is too hot" by that time he is done talking and I am like "huh?". I don't get why I do that", you say and sigh, clearly embarrassed someone had to see that.

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now