Chapter 17

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"I don't think I wanna go to another party." You sigh to Konan who was sitting on the end of your bed persuading you to get off your ass.

"When was the last time we did anything I wanted?" Hidan comes barging in the room.

"I am tired. I don't want to." You pout but clearly nothing was going to work.

"I think if you whine less you will not be tired as much."

"Hidan, you aren't helping. Now get out, please" Konan snarls at him and throws him out of the room. She starts going through your closet to find something for you to wear. Reluctantly you get up and get into nicer clothes, changing in front of Konan while she talks about random stuff in the background.

"You look nice. Pretty." She smiles at you.

"Nobody has called me pretty for a long time" you laugh.

"Well Dei would beg to differ." She adds with an evil grin on her face.

"Will he be there?" You ask adjusting your dress still staring at yourself in the mirror.

"Do you want him to be there?"

"I don't like what you are insinuating, Ko."

"I thought you do like what I was insinuating." She comes closer to meet your eyes through the mirror.

Rolling your eyes you continue zipping your skirt.

"I mean I know someone is not the most patient nor the most understanding. But someone else is. So you can be honest with me, if you want. Not pushing." She speaks in a hushed tone.

"I just feel out of place in these parties. And everyone ends up doing their own thing and that someone is the only one who actually comes to check in with me. We both know who it should be and we both know who it is." You sigh.

"So what's stopping you?"

"It's not easy, Ko. I just feel, all I am doing is jumping from one to another. And it's not fair to anyone, neither me nor them."

"But you do like Dei, don't you?"

"Liking and being with someone is different. I don't even have time for myself these days. I am way too fucked up right now to lose another person I trust."

"Or is it because you are waiting for a completely different person?"

"Are you on a fishing expedition? Or am I being interrogated?" You look at her suspiciously.

"Not interrogating, babe. That day, he felt like he wanted to talk to you urgently. I am sure he wasn't talking about classes. Did he come to his sense and realize he doesn't belong with her? They look so forced really, any child will tell you that."

"Didn't listen to him, honestly. All I remember when I look at him is that stupid bitch, the words don't reach my ears anymore." You say while twirling the lipstick back into its case and keep it aside but you almost throw it without realizing yourself.

"Oh..kay. The force is strong with the third one."

"Konan, I swear. I would rather get drunk at the party than answer any more of you questions." You laugh while picking up your purse.

"Mission accomplished then." She winks and leaves the room.

"Oh Jashin you all take too long to dress up." Hidan groans leaving out the door.


Reaching the party, you realized you were a fish out of water again. In less than an hour, Hidan was drunk, Konan was busy with Yahiko, Deidara was nowhere to be seen, Kakuzu was busy with his new girlfriend that you didn't know of and you didn't know anyone else. It felt like you were on a totally different planet than whoever these people were. Following Hidan like a lost puppy, you talk to people you had never met before, getting drunk slowly.

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now