Chapter 15 🍋

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A/N: Yes it has a bit of a lemon and yes the lemon symbol does indicate a lemon. I hope you enjoy! (Or if you are underage, please skip! 😤)


It was end of the semester and end of the year. Break included every one going back to their homes. Since you were about to start a new internship with one of your professors, you stay behind on campus. Yugao and Hayate were going to work with you in the team too, so you finally got to spend time with them more.

The best part about this was you had less lectures to attend and could use your free time working towards your internship, instead.

Hidan, Deidara and the gang didn't go back either, so you had plenty of time to plan trips and have fun. But since your social batteries ran out pretty soon, you didn't go as crazy as the others did.

"Hidan.." you call out while walking on the beach together one day. It was a week into school restarting and the last free weekend. You were with everyone but trail behind the group and ask Hidan to join you. As much as you loved them all and loved being with all of them, you still wanted to hangout with your boyfriend. Its been more than 8 months you had been together and it had been a while since you got to spend some time alone.

"Hey, you need something?" he asks turning back.

"Yes, she needs you!" Konan teases and pushes him away from the group towards you.

"I mean I am right here." He argues with her.

"Don't make me slap you Hidan. Guys let's leave them alone for a while." She yelled out to everyone.

"Hidan she will dump your ass and move on with Deidara. Don't test a woman's patience!" She adds quickly when she sees Hidan starting to pout again.

"Aye what's that supposed to mean?" Deidara starts arguing but Konan hurriedly takes them away.

You listen to the commotion but since you knew Konan was a queen of teasing everyone, you let it go.

"Hey" Hidan says walking along side you on the beach.


"It's cold. Do you not want to go inside?"

"No, I like this weather. And this place."

"But it's cold and there is sand everywhere." He makes a face while trying to take some sand off his neck.

"Hidan, I like it. Can you just enjoy this for a moment?"

"But look at them, they are having so much fun!" He says pointing at the group who were far away now and looked like Kakuzu was dumping Deidara in the water. Probably a bet with Sasori.

"CAN YOU STOP COMPLAINING FOR ONE GODDAMN SECOND, HIDAN? IF YOU WANT TO BE WITH YOUR FRIENDS THE WHOLE TIME, WHY DON'T YOU JUST FUCK THEM, TOO?" He had hardly spent time with you alone all break and even now he was pissing you off.

"I thought you like them?"

"I do like them, but can we not spend some time together at least?"

"Are you asking me to choose between you both?"

"No! Oh dear God. You know what? Let it go. Go to them and do whatever you want!" Getting pissed off, you turn around and start walking towards the changing room/showers some distance away. It was sunset, the beach was beautiful, the view mesmerizing. And though you knew Hidan wasn't remotely romantic, you expecting him to be sometimes, especially if you were spelling it out.

"Don't fucking walk away from me, Y/N!" Running behind you he easily catches up and turns you around.

"No, leave me alone now, I do not want to talk to you" jerking your hand off his grip you run to the showers and enter the stall locking it behind you.

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang