Chapter 22

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"That's not safe. Come wait in the waiting area, you don't have to come in." You agree and walk with him inside and slump down on the first empty chair you see. You fall asleep with your head leaning against the wall, but wake up with a start to see someone run past you.

Was that Kakashi? Why was he here?

Shaking, you sit straight in your chair.

"There might be a million reasons Kakashi was here!" You think, trying to tell yourself but these sudden somersaults your gut was performing didn't let you rest. Finally getting up, you go to the main desk.

"H-hi" you start and the middle aged lady looks at you politely smiling.

"Is.. is there a patient... Obito Uchiha, here?" You stammer, almost dreading the answer.

"Give me a minute", she says and starts typing on her computer.

"Umm.. yes. Room 308."

"Th-thanks. Do you know what he is here for?"

"Are you here to see him?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at you.

"Yes, I am."

"He already has a visitor."

"Yes Kakashi Hatake, he is a friend of ours too." You add to look legit. She checks the record and the name checks out. Still eyeing suspiciously, she hands you the visitor badge.


Kakashi enters Obito's room to find him awake and staring the ceiling.

"Awake already?" Kakashi asks, as he closes the door behind him.

Obito gives him a weak smile and struggles to sit up straight. Kakashi helps him.


"You doing okay there?"

"Well as okay as I can be doing."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"Not really!"

"Come on, Obito. Don't be like this."

"I can see your 'I told you so' face, Bakashi. Don't lecture me now."

"Why did you beat him up, Obito?"

"What part of 'I don't want to talk about it' do you not understand?" Obito scoffs. "He was being vile towards Rin so...," His voice trails.

"We both know you didnt beat him up because he flirted with Rin."

"The fuck did you say?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"So you mean I can't protect my girlfriend?"

"She didn't need protection, and you didn't need to get this beaten up!"

"What are you trying to say?"

"If you are this stupid to see, me saying it, isn't going to make any difference." he stands up to walk away. "You take care of yourself, Obito."

"Kakashi, you have got it all wrong."

"Maybe. Maybe I do have it all wrong. But I don't want to wait till you beat that Deidara guy next, to tell you I told you so."

"So... they are.. dating?"

"How would I know? I am not blind, though."

Kakashi rubs his temple before looking at Obito again.

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin