Chapter 2

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"Hey, are you coming to the class?", you say waving at Obito. 

You were running late and saw him running in the opposite direction making you shout out to him. But he just runs away without even acknowledging you. You assume he is in a hurry or has to be somewhere but you see his face flustered. After the class while talking to some of your friends, they tell you what had happened.

Obito and Rin were discussing their assignments before the class and apparently Obito had asked her out. But she created a scene instead. She was being excessively mean to him apparently and quite loud for everyone around them to hear. Some even got a video of the whole thing and it was already being circulated. This was worse than rejection. No wonder he looked so flustered and didn't want to come to class.

Obito was the class clown, always joking, always a good sport with everything. Yes, a lot of your classmates made fun at his expense but he was still cool about it. It was kind of the same with you. You were the lazy one. You didn't like hanging out with too many people, but you were hyperactive with your close friends. As a result, you had a hard time explaining why you declined your 7th social event this month. It was easier to say you were sleeping and forgot to check your phone, or lazy enough to walk across the dorms to some friend's room, or that you were hungry and going to eat. They always talked about you in front of you, like you weren't listening or didn't have feelings. Just because you preferred to be with your close friends, they had tagged you as the lazy. It was really annoying and downright insulting at times, but it was easier to say "I was asleep" when you ignored their alcohol parties to watch Netflix in your dorm instead of explaining how your "social batteries" work. So needless to say, you were annoyed at everyone making such a huge deal of the rejection. 

"Wait weren't they already dating?", you ask Yugao and Hayate, with a curious face. They both were your best friends, and you were always with them. 

 "No, of course they weren't? Why?", Yugao says looking at you. 

"Nothing, I just thought they were", you say shrugging your shoulders. You think back to the time Obito had come over to your dorm. Maybe you misheard Obito that day? 

"You are pretty clueless about the who's who, Y/N", she laughs at you. 

"One: I do not care, everyone is going to break up with everyone here before we graduate. Two: who the f*ck shoots a video of such a thing, really? This is why I hate people", you say to her and walk off without giving it a second thought. 

You and Obito were project partners for one of your classes. You got together once a week and did your assignments. He was attentive when you guys studies together but you didn't classify as friends. He used to slack off if his friends came over but other than that, he was a good partner.  You guys met every Tuesday, so you knew you would meet him in an hour after that horrendous class, anyway. 

You check the time and wait for him at the corner of the library where you both usually met, but he doesn't come, nor does he answer his phone. You try calling him a couple of times, but the phone goes straight to voicemail, not even a single ring. It wasn't like you didn't expect this to happen with the events of the day but you hoped he showed up. You hoped it might take his mind off of that but it was too much to ask. They were supposed to be friends, you think to yourself. All such behaviors made you question people around you and you had trust issues. Everyone was pretty much out for themselves, apparently. 

You finally get tired of waiting for him and find an empty carrel and settle down to start your task at hand. You complete the assignment that you both had to finish up that week, all by yourself, since it was not that difficult. You needed more time than you would've of course, but you didn't really mind doing that, it served as studying for the exam coming up, anyway.  You thought it was a better thing to do, than give him a hard time, not that he would've been able to concentrate on anything you were saying today. 

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu