Chapter 27

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A/N: Read it while listening to the song, the song was one of the reasons I wanted the story to be this way and I finally reached to this point. I had to listen to this song on repeat like 15 times yesterday before I could finish this.


The harsh sunlight shining in from the slit in the window coupled with incessant knocking wakes you up. Trying to find out where and who you were, you get up. In a second everything comes back to you and you check your phone for the time and day. 

"Okay, didn't miss my flight," you say to yourself, sighing with relief, slumping in the bed trying to go back to sleep. 

"Y/N, open the fucking door!" You hear Yugao's voice and wake up once again with a start. You look at the empty bed next to you and drag yourself to open the door. 

"Where the hell are you?" Yugao hollers and barges in. 

"Here here, what the hell happened?", you reply rubbing your eyes. You feel as if your whole body was hit by a train, aching and barely able to walk. Well... even if not by a train.. it was hit by something. 

"I was calling. You don't wan't to be late do you? I thought Obito would be here with you, but he didn't answer any calls either. Mind you, I never wanted to call him at all in the first place!"

"I ..", you start. "I don't know where he is", you look away from Yugao, refusing to meet her eyes. 

"So nothing happened between you two last night? What did he want then?", she glares at you. 

"Everything did, but..."

"But? He just left before you could wake up? That motherfu..", she huffs, turning red in anger. Leave up to Yugao to get angry on someone else's behalf, especially yours. 

"I can't deal with that now. There is too much left to do, and I can't think, and my head hurts", you lean against the wall and rest your head on it. 

Yugao just stands in her position, clenching and unclenching her jaw, a million thoughts buzzing through her head, you can see the gears in her head spinning. 

"I am going to get ready" you declare after what felt like a very long time but it was barely 3 minutes in the clock.

"Yes yes. You should do that. Hayate is driving over so should be here soon", she sighs and takes a seat on the couch. 

You walk inside and close the door of the bathroom behind you, sighing. There was no time to think about last night's events, but HOW COULD YOU NOT!!?? 

"He did say he loved me? Did he just lie to me so he could get laid before I left?", you think, rubbing your hands against your face. No, no, you nodded your head as if to shake the very thought out of your head. Obito could be many things, but he wasn't like that. No, he wasn't. You refused to believe it. You couldn't bear to get your heart broken again, not like this. 

After a quick shower, you get ready, trying to not look like total shit. You put on a casual denim and a hoodie and tie your hair up in a tight ponytail. 

The only thought in your brain was "How the fuck can he just leave?" That was the only thing you keep repeating to yourself over and over again, checking your phone for the millionth time. But there was no text message, no calls, nothing at all. Like he just vanished, like he didn't care. Like last night didn't mean anything to him. 

"Ready?" Hayate asks softly, you are sure Yugao has already told him everything she knows. He picks up your bags and asks you to triple check your documents. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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