Chapter 16

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Obito's break was very interesting to say the least. He went to work with his uncle at the company he owned. His father and uncle were currently planning for Obito to take over eventually and this work experience was supposed to help with that, start him early. But they weren't easy going.

He worked usual hours and then some, week days week end, whenever his father and uncle thought it was best for him to learn. He was interested in it too, but that also meant he had almost no social life till he came back.

"It felt like I didn't even have a boyfriend!" Rin whined as soon as she met Obito. He had come a week later and missed the first week of classes, not that it mattered much to him anymore.

"I told you, I didn't have time. I was dead by the time I got home!"

"So what? You could've called?"

"I tried Rin, believe me."

"Well, I don't believe you. Everyone had a social life and I didn't. I used to go on trips and just be alone. Do you know how humiliating it was?"

"I had told you what it was going to be like, I had told you already. You didn't even ask how my days went, how the break was!" Obito was getting really tired of this one sided blame game.

"Yeah as if working for your own father is hard! I worked for my father, too, but I didn't have a stick up my ass all these days. Did I?" Snarling she starts walking away.

"Well you are your father's princess and I am my uncle's brat, so yeah, it is not the same." He wanted to say that but he just swallowed his words. He was away for too long, he hadn't talked or met anyone over the break. He wanted to be with Kakashi but he had already left the apartment by the time he arrived in the morning. The last thing he wanted to do was argue with Rin. He felt like that's all they did over the break, argue.

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't walk away from me when we are talking!" He catches up to her and stops her.

"I am giving you a chance to chase after me." She giggles.

"Is this all a joke to you? Literally everything? We have other important things too you know. It's not just about these rose tinted glasses all the time. There are two people in a relationship, Rin. TWO!"

Obito was pretty loud and people were giving them second glances. Looking around, she holds his hand and pulls him into an empty classroom near by.

"You were the one who ignored me all this time. I couldn't even have a conversation with you!" She replies with tears pooling in her eyes.

This was easy. Everytime I try to have a real conversation that was serious, the tears would start, derailing every thing.

"I agree to that, and I said I am sorry. But do you expect me to tell my uncle I can't work or I need to leave early because my girlfriend wants to tell me about her day at the mall?" He barked.

"Are you mad at me?" Rin pouts looking at Obito's annoyed face.

Well no shit Sherlock.

"No. Just. Let me be."

Taking a step towards Obito she tiptoes and plants a kiss on his lips. He wanted to be left alone right now but she wasn't wrong. He had ignored her for days now, and been distant all break. Holding her waist he kisses her back. But the people shouting outside were not doing him any favors and only worsening his restlessness.

"Just because you fucked, doesn't mean you made up!"

"Jealousy doesn't suit you bro, and maybe next time you can hear us and decide if that was just fucking or making up. And anyway, what is she gonna do? Go cry to you?"

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now