Chapter 14

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The first couple of days with Rin went like a breeze for Obito. They hung out, watched movies, hung out, went out with friends all the time. And they made out... A lot.... To the point Kakashi was always uncomfortable and tried to be with them as less as possible. It was almost like she was doing it on purpose, not that Kakashi cared. And not that Obito minded.

It was so hard for him to see Y/N though. Since, Hidan saw him watching them, he wanted to avoid seeing them AT ALL COSTS. But everytime he was alone, he thought of texting her. After all, he was going over to apologize that he never got to.

"But it took her a day to move on? A DAY?" he thought one day as he was walking to his classes. But there she was. Hidan was nowhere to be seen, but she was trying to get something back from Deidara that he had with his arm out stretched.

"Why is she with them even when he isn't around?"

He was annoyed just looking at the group but kept walking. It was like the universe was manifesting against him, the more he thought of avoiding them, the more he saw them. At the library, in the coffee shops, during lunch, in class, he couldn't catch a break.

"Since when did you start studying so much?" Rin taunts him one day as they sit studying in the library.

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"I was wondering we could go out with some of my friends today?" she pouts.

"I can't, sorry!"

"That's the third time this week you have preferred studying over going out with me Obito!" Getting angry, she starts closing her notes and shoving in her bag.

"I mean finals are coming up so I don't know what you want to do really." He says casually. He didn't wanna argue at the moment.

"Well, suit yourself. I didn't realize you have gotten so boring!"

But before Obito could reply she had walked away. Sighing, he closes his book and puts his head down. He felt like nothing was going his way. Across the room on the other side, he could see you pacing back and forth in front of a board, teaching these guys something.

"They should pay the tuition fees to her instead!" He thinks to himself.

His mind goes back to the day he finally saw you again.

~~~~~~ FLASHBACK ~~~~~

"You can't hold me like that anymore, you know" jerking himself out of your grip, he leaves.

Thinking he was too harsh, he stops.

You can't hold me like that anymore, you know.

The words echoed in his head with a pang of sadness.

"But why, how is that so wrong? We are just.. talking? Not like I am hurting anyone!" Sighing again, he turns back but regrets instantly. He sees Hidan hugging you and you laughing with him.

And I almost felt inclined to talk to her!  What does she see in him, anyway?

Rolling his eyes and cursing under his breath, he goes to his seat.

"Fuck this shit" he mumbles sitting next to Kakashi.

"Fuck it fuck it fuck it" he continues.

"Do I have to ask?" Kakashi replies without taking his eyes off his book.

"I don't know man. Fuck. Everything. Literally. And every one", he continues.

"Okay!" Kakashi replies getting up from his seat.

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now