03 | take it easy.

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If you were to tell your 8 year old self that in 7 years you would be attending a hero school in Japan, she would look at you like you were crazy. Yet here you stood before the front gates of the infamous U.A. high school. A school ranked #1 in hero education.

'I want this. Mom and Dad can't tell me what to do anymore.'

You tugged your phone out of the pocket of your blazer, grimacing at school's horrendous choice of fashion. Like seriously? Green and gray? Talk about a terrible color palette.

'I am totally breaking dress code tomorrow.'

You glanced down at your phone, checking the time that was displayed on the lock screen.


'...I'm late.'

You shrugged your shoulders and swiped your card through the gate's entrance, taking your sweet time walking to your classroom. What was it again? Oh yeah. Class 1-A. You unconsciously tugged your blindfold into a more comfortable position over your eyes, scrunching your nose up a bit as you walked through the front door.

Making your way to the nearest map on the wall, you quickly snapped a photo of it before weaving your way through the halls. Alternating your gaze between the map on your phone and the various hallways and stairs you finally made it to a tall door with the large words '1-A' in big bold red.

You slowly slid the door open, only to find an empty classroom. You blanched at the absence of people, staring at the empty space for a good moment before sighing.

'I've never been to school but from what I've heard people are y'know supposed to be in a classroom.'

You sighed and rubbed your temples, looking back down the hallways in search of someone who could help you. You passed through a few halls before you spotted spiky indigo hair, their form appearing to be slouching with their hands in their pockets. You quickly jogged up to reach them, were they an upperclassmen? Judging by their lack of a blazer you could only assume so.

"Excuse me! Can you help me find my class! I think they kinda ditched me." You lightly tapped the person on the shoulder, the upperclassman flinching upon your sudden appearance. He quickly turned his gaze away, shuddering as he whispered out a response.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't think I can be much help-"

"Tamaki! The first-day orientation is about to start!"

A rather boisterous and clearly more confident voice cut him off, rapid footsteps approaching the two of you.

"Ah! Who's this? Did you finally make another friend Tamaki?" You turned your head to look at a rather tall male, his rather comical eyes catching your attention.

"Mirio..." 'Tamaki' whispered under his breath, turning his back to you two. You glanced back and forth between the two males, holding up your phone to try and call attention to yourself.

"Um, I'm just trying to find out where my class is. I walked into the correct classroom but nobody was there."

"Oh I see! What class are you in?" The blonde leaned down to your level, his eyes glistening with nothing but the determination to help.

"Class 1-A. I'm a first year."

"Ah! The hero course! I heard that Aizawa-sensei had taken the class out for a test of sorts at the P.E. grounds!"

"P.E. grounds.." You mumbled to yourself, glancing down at the map on your phone. Mirio leaned over to get a better look at the map, quickly pointing out where the grounds were located.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now