17 | if i fall i think i'll fly.

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Y/N Kuromiya, Age 5.

"Papa! Mama! Look! I can use Infinity properly!" You ran down the stairs of your family's large mansion, nearly falling down the grand stairs that led up to the various floors. You bounced into the family's living room, your white hair flowing behind you beautifully. It gave off a periwinkle glow in the light of the chandeliers hanging from above, matching that of your father's.

"Please be careful, Master Y/N." One of the butlers lightly called out to you, leading you to give him a cheery smile. "I always am, Jun-chan!"

Your mother was seated next to your father on the couch, stacks and stacks of papers lining the coffee table. They were going through piles and piles of requests from some of the most esteemed people in the world, most of them being from world leaders and government officials.

"Look, look!" You stood in front of them, eagerly waiting to show them your technique. Your father, Junta, looked up from the paper in his hands. His eyes were identical to your own, giving off the same sky painted scene that yours did.

"What is it, dear?" Your mother, Tomie, asked gently, smiling softly as she turned her full attention to you. She gently pushed her midnight black hair behind her ear, smiling softly as you stood in front of the coffee table. You were her most prized child, something she was always adamant on conveying. She treated you drastically different from your older siblings, which could be perceived as both a good and bad thing.

She was extremely overprotective of you, since you bore the same Six Eyes your father did. You were an abnormality within the Kuromiya family. You weren't supposed to have Six Eyes, since your father already had it. Bearing the Six Eyes was an extremely rare occurrence in the Kuromiya family, so the fact that you were blessed with the same ocular technique as your father was nothing short of a miracle.

"I can use Infinity!" You cheered, shrouding your entire body in the invisible force. You reached out to touch the papers on the table, only to be stopped by your Infinity. For the past few months you were only able to surround certain body parts with the technique, but with the help of Six eyes you were able to learn the technique much faster than your siblings. Even they were still having trouble mastering it even though they were much older. You, however, learned it in a matter of months with minimal effort.

"You're such a smart girl! Keep up the good work, sweetie!" Tomie reached out to engulf you in her arms once you deactivated your Infinity, smothering you in kisses as you pleaded for her to stop.

"Mama!! I can't breathe!!"

Your mother soon let you go, sitting you down on her lap as your father gazed at you with a pride filled expression. He reached out to ruffle your hair, messing it up a bit as you tried moving away.

"Good job, Y/N. Soon enough you will be able to accompany your siblings on their missions."

"Really!? Yay!! I can't wait to show big brother Mamoru how strong I've gotten!" You held up a fist in excitement, your mother giggling as she braided your hair.

"Now that you've gotten the hang of Infinity, I will teach you how to properly use Blue and Red." You tilted your head to the side, gazing at your father quizzically.

"Oh! That technique! The one I accidentally killed four maids with?" Your father nodded, flipping through the papers in his hands.

"Yes, that one. You haven't used it since then, right?"

"Nope!" You spoke, small hands reaching out to grab a paper from the coffee table. Your mother didn't mind, much too engrossed in braiding your hair to care about the documents in your hands.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now