35 | im lost in the facade

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(a/n: places of real life origin are mentioned in this chapter. I would like to clarify that these places and events are used only for the use of fiction and are not to be taken seriously. once again, this is a work of fiction.)

Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. A city of 1.3 million people going about their daily lives. The city is known for its easy everyday life, the typical steel skyscraper towering in the skies found in cities like New York instead replaced by old nordic style buildings only reaching up to four or six stories. The buildings touched shoulder to shoulder, displaying the neighborhoods and businesses the stunning city had to offer. 50% of Citizens commute through the means of bicycles or merely walking to their destination. Despite the low crime rate, heroes still patrolled as normal.

It was a beautiful city, and the people living there radiated and cherished the city for what it was worth.

Today was no different, the sun setting on a new day in the wonderful city. Adults were beginning to get off work, coming home to their waiting families. Some coworkers went out to get drinks together. Children played and rode their bikes, blissfully unaware of the impending disaster.

Traversing the Tivoli Gardens was a familiar face, round black glasses concealing eyes that could entrance any individual regardless of gender or identity.

You pulled up the black hoodie resting on your shoulders over your head, concealing your hair as best you could underneath the fabric. A black mask concealed the bottom half of your face. The cold September wind grazed your cheeks, a small shiver running down your spine. The black turtleneck and hoodie you wore was definitely inconspicuous, but did little to nothing when faced with the dry cold wind of the autumn season.

You gently adjusted the soft knit fabric of your turtleneck, a certain white and red haired friend flashing through your mind as you fiddled with the threads. It wasn't often that you were allowed into the headspace to reminisce.

The amusement park was radiating joy, children running around trying to get on as many rides as they could. Groups of teenagers enjoying their weekend off of school.

You couldn't help but envy them.

Your thoughts were cut short by a familiar ringtone resonating from your pocket. Your phone buzzed, signaling that someone was calling you. Your expression turned cold as you recognized the caller before you even looked at the screen. You pulled out your phone and answered it quickly.


"Your target is in line for the ferris wheel. Get in line." You cringed at the sound of your older brother, Mamoru, speak through the phone line, the grain of the speaker doing nothing to conceal the smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I know." You replied curtly, making your way to the line for the ferris wheel. The line itself wasn't particularly long, yet long enough for you to wait for about 10 minutes or so. You hung up and stuffed your phone back into your pocket, eyes scanning over the line to spot your target.

It didn't take long for you to find them, a man and a woman posing as a couple. The man went by Ryoma, and the woman went by Aki. None of which were their real names.

You weren't given the luxury of knowing the reason you were ordered to kill them. You hadn't been given that luxury since you were brought back. You were ordered to do something, and you had to do it no matter what. If you refused, you would be punished.

You put on a stone cold face as you were sent back time after time again to the red room, only finding solace when you were finally able to contact your friends from across the world.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now