pls read!!!

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hi lol

uh sorry for disappearing, i know a lot of people have been waiting on an update for this story for so long but i'm going to be brutally honest with you guys

i just sort of fell out of the mha fandom, it was becoming more of a chore than a hobby to keep pumping out new chapters for this story

as much as i really do like writing, i wasn't having as much fun writing as i was in the beginning

i also realized a bunch of errors in my writing, and lots of plot holes that i never addressed

it started out as a sort of splurge on an idea that i had in my head, and the more i kept writing the more people began to actually read it

i guess i felt pressured with the newfound small audience that i managed to find

not to mention that i wasn't enjoying mha anymore, it was sort of a phase i guess

i'm really sorry to those who have been waiting for an update for so long and instead get this shitty explanation as to why i just lost motivation

i moved on to other things, and i'm not gonna make up some bullshit excuse like my mom died or some shit like that

i'm being honest with you guys, and i said my truth

i lost motivation to write the story, and i lost interest in mha

it's as simple as that

i know a lot of you are going to be upset by this, but i'm not obligated to push out chapters when i'm not even enjoying what i'm putting out

i don't know if i'll ever come back to this story, but i don't want to give you all false hope either

so yeah that's all i guess

see ya

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