10 | grass is greener.

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Two weeks went by in the blink of an eye, and soon enough it was the day of the dreaded sports festival. In the past two weeks you helped Bakugou refine his skills, with your compensation being a very nice home cooked meal after your training session. That was really the only reason you were even helping him in the first place. His father made a mean beef stew. While you were perfectly capable of cooking for yourself, you found it easier to accept a premade meal rather than going through the trouble to make something for yourself. Kedama seemed to enjoy eating the leftovers when you got home, so it's a win-win.

Speaking of the energetic little furball, he had seemed to be getting better. He hadn't been interrupting your sleep as often, which to you was a great thing since your sleep schedule was already messed up as is.

This brings us to the present time, where you and your class were waiting to be called out to the stadium. Your blindfold was neatly folded on the table, your head resting in your arms as you tried to catch a quick nap before the event started. You were sitting at a table next to Sero, the tape dispenser chuckling at your snoozing form. He took your blindfold from its spot on the table, slipping it over his eyes.

"Jeez! I don't know how she's able with this thing on! It's pitch black!"

"Well, it is a part of her quirk after all." Kaminari tugged the fabric over Sero's head, slipping on the blindfold for himself.

"Whaddya think guys?" He placed his index finger and thumb under his chin, grinning in what he assumed to be the direction of the other boys seated at the table.

"You look like an idiot."

"Okay, rude!"

It wasn't long before Iida bursted into the room, asking if everyone was ready to go. Iida immediately noticed your sleeping form, his hands chopping in the air violently as you continued to snooze away.

"Y/N-san! We are set to go in no time!! This isn't the time to sleep!!"

You gave a sleepy groan, your head shifting in between your arms before you groggily lifted your head up.

"Don't wanna..."

You let your head fall back onto the table with an alarmingly loud thud, Iida continuing to berate you for your unprofessional behavior and unhealthy sleeping patterns. It wasn't until a particularly interesting conversation caught your ear, even Iida pausing his pestering to listen in on the conversation between Todoroki and Midoriya.

"On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength."

'Jeez way to be blunt about it.'

"You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you, right? I feel no need to pry into that but... I'm going to beat you."

You had almost forgotten about Midoriya's strange connection to the Symbol of Peace, since it really didn't affect you at all. You had your suspicions sure, but you couldn't find it in yourself to look any deeper into the topic. With your status and family name, you could access any information you wanted. Of course, the curious and desire to know gnawed at you to find out what was going on, but where was the fun in that? It was much more interesting to let things play out how they're supposed to as opposed to finding out something that wasn't meant to be your business in the first place. You'd find out eventually anyways.

"Oho? Is this declaration of war from one of the strongest kids in the class?" You turned your head to look in the direction of where Todoroki and Midoriya stood, your beautiful sky painted eyes analyzing the scene with interest.

"What's with the belligerence all of a sudden?! Don't spring this on him right before-"

"I'm not here to play nice and make friends. But whatever."

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now