14 | let the world just pass me by.

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The next two days were supposed to be used to rest up after the sports festival. You, however, couldn't find it in yourself to do so. Worry gnawed at the back of your head as you sat in the waiting room of the pet hospital, playing with one of the puzzles they had laid out on the tables.

You didn't dare touch your phone, leaving it back at your apartment. You knew it was selfish of you to leave your classmates with no answers, but at the moment you were more concerned with the state of your best friend. Your companion. Your phone had been blowing up with notifications, so you opted to put the thing on silent and leave it on your desk.

Your gaze hovered over the clock on the wall, the digital numbers reading '12:47.' Exhaling a heavy sigh you returned to your half finished puzzle, half heartedly pressing the pieces together.

Kedama's surgery had started at around 10 AM, and the surgeon said it could take four to five hours to complete. You knew he would be okay, though you couldn't help but worry about him. The healing process would be difficult, but you were ready to look after him. You were sure the siblings were more than happy to watch him while you were at class, but you were a bit conflicted on the matter.

You wanted to throw all of your responsibilities of school out the window to focus solely on Kedama and his recovery, but you knew that would look suspicious to the school. They would call up your 'guardian,' who was in truth just your butler.

The surgeon had mentioned that it would normally take around 6-8 weeks for Kedama's recovery, but with the help of the staff's healing and quirks it could be cut in half. But not without a price. The cost would be doubled, but you didn't care. You had a fortune in your bank account, so money wasn't an issue. The thought that he was getting the best treatment he possibly could put your mind at ease.

The next few hours passed painfully slowly, only getting up from your spot to go to the bathroom or get lunch from the hospital's cafeteria. A nurse dressed in light blue scrubs approached you, gently tapping you on the shoulder to get your attention.

"Miyakuro-san? Kedama is out of surgery."

Your heart skipped a beat at her words, straightening up in your seat. "Can I see him?"

The nurse gave you a kind smile, nodding her head. You immediately got up from your seat, abandoning the unfinished puzzle on the table to follow the nurse. She guided you to the elevator, taking you to one of the higher floors. You followed her through the twisted halls, the woman stopping in front of a white painted door. She gave you a brief bow, to which you returned before walking into the room.

The small pomeranian was laid down on a rather large bed in the middle of the room, a faint beeping sound coming from the machine next to the bed. A familiar surgeon stood next to Kedama, writing down various notes on his clipboard. His scrubs were lightly stained with blood, but you elected to ignore it.

"Ah, Miyakuro-san! The surgery was a complete success, Kedama did wonderfully. We sewed up the bleeding in his stomach with dissolvable stitches. All he needs is a bit of rest and he should be good to go in no time. For now he should refrain from eating solid dog food. I recommend pouring water into his food in order to make it softer. It'll go down easier that way. You should feed him little by little, don't give him too much."

You nodded at the surgeon's words, the man scribbling down on his clipboard. He handed you a few papers, mostly things you were expected to read regarding Kedama's state.

"We're going to keep him another night just to monitor his condition. If all goes well the earliest you'll be able to take him home is tomorrow morning. In the meantime, since visiting hours are still open you can spend some time with him until they're closed. He's sleeping, so I'd advise against touching him."

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