23 | they tell me that i'm special.

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The next morning at school was interesting to say the least.

You walked into class, immediately taking note of the gloomy aura four of your classmates seemed to emit. Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Satou apparently hadn't passed their exams, and were now facing the consequences for it.

"Oh my god... You, you guys.. I'm totally looking forward to... to all of your stories..." Mina hiccuped, small tears running down her cheeks. You frowned a bit at their negative attitude, throwing an arm around Mina's shoulders to bring her into a side hug.

"Don't even worry about it, knowing Aizawa he's probably gonna pull some last second twist. And if he doesn't let you do, then I'll even let you hide in my suitcase!" You grinned, watching as Mina's eyes lit up considerably.

"You'd really do that?! Oh, Y/N-chan. You're the best!" Mina threw her arms around your neck, hugging you tightly. You smirked mischievously, gently patting her back whilst eyeing the boys mockingly.

'I'm better with the ladies than they'll ever be.'

With your ego freshly fed you listened in on their conversation with little interest, sitting on a nearby desk while Mina braided your hair. Kaminari was going on some tangent about not passing, Sero mentioning that he didn't even know if he passed either considering he slept through the entire thing.

The conversation was cut short by Aizawa slamming the door open, you and your classmates making it to your assigned seats in the blink of an eye. It was almost comical how fast you all made it to your seats, and it briefly made you wonder if they really feared Aizawa's wrath that much.

"Morning, now about your end-of-term exams... I hate to say that some of you have failed. And, as such..." He was blatantly referring to the four from earlier, now standing at the front of the class with a stack of papers on the podium.

"Everybody's going to the forest lodge!"


"There were zero failing grades for the written exam. For the practical, Satou, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero all failed. For the exam, we "villains" left you a way to win while gauging how you faced the challenges we set before each of you. If we hadn't, then you'd all have run into a dead end before the challenges even really began."

You stifled a laugh as you remembered the way you kicked All Might in the balls, that sole hit alone being enough to incapacitate the so-called "Symbol of Peace."

"So when you said you were coming at us to crush us..." Ojiro trailed off, Aizawa quick to answer.

"That was to drive you into a corner. The forest camp was a boot camp to begin with. So the students who failed are the ones who need it the most. It was a logical ruse!"

"A logical ruse!!?"

Aizawa proceeded to explain how the ones who failed were going to take special remedial periods, the four previously excited and happy students now reverting back to their gloomy and depressed state.

Soon enough it was time for class to start, and the periods went by with ease. The end of the school day came fast, your classmates already picking up their bags and talking amongst each other when the last period ended.

"A one week boot camp, eh?" Iida spoke, holding a paper in his hands. You adjusted the straps of your backpack on your shoulder, tilting your head to take a better look at the paper in his hands.

"Looks like we'll be needing pretty big bags for all the stuff we need to take." Izuku spoke, joining in on the conversation. M*neta said something as well, but you had decided to promptly ignore anything the little shit said.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin