20 | make me part of your design.

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"Ah, welcome back Y/N-san! Did you have a good lunch-?" Izuku abruptly stopped himself midway through greeting you, green eyes darting down to stare at the ungodly amount of candy bars and snacks in your arms.

"Y/N-san! That is an unhealthy amount of snacks!" Iida was quick to scold you, standing up carefully from his place on his bed.

"The cafeteria wasn't open, so I punched a hole through one of the vending machines."

You shrugged and dropped your arm full of snacks onto your bed, the boy's staring wide eyed at your nonchalant behavior.

'Isn't that technically a crime?'

Nonetheless you were quick to dive under the covers of the hospital bed, heaving a frustrated sigh as you dragged your abundance of candies and treats along with you.

"Y/N-san! Eating that much candy and junk food is harmful to your health!" You heard Iida scold from beside you, peeking under the covers to stare at the boy with a blank look. He flinched a bit at the sight of your uncovered diamond eyes, fully expecting for you to retort with a sarcastic quip.

Instead he was met with a Snickers bar to the face, the chocolate bar ricocheting off his cheek and landing on his lap with a soft noise.

"You're not you when you're hungry." You spoke, dragging the covers back over your body while the crinkles of wrappers resonated off the walls.

Frankly, after your little rendezvous with Tsumiki you were extremely pissed off. You had expected your family to take action sooner or later, but you didn't expect it to be the day after you indirectly took down the infamous Hero Killer.

You knew full well they were tracking your each and every move, Kedama's poisoning was proof of that. You had already accepted the fact that you couldn't be free forever.

But that didn't mean you weren't ready to beat the shit out of your family and possibly kill them if it meant even a minute more of freedom.

Realistically, the only person who could bring you back home was your father. Your siblings didn't hold a candle to you when it came to overall strength and abilities. Your inherited Six Eyes were evidence of that.

Though that's not to say that they aren't powerful in their own right. They too wielded the power of Limitless. Just to a lower degree. They were skilled enough to carry out their tasks with minimal effort. That's all that mattered. The purpose and ability to kill without remorse ran through the family. It coursed through your veins whether you liked it or not.

Your father would always tell you that he wanted you to be better than him. That you already were better than him, and in so many ways. You received endless praise from your mother and father, but for the most gruesome and inhuman things possible. You ate those praises and compliments up like they were breakfast, resulting in your overconfident and nonchalant attitude you have now.

(*cough* god complex *cough)

Though that didn't stop you from seeing the immoral compass you had been following your entire life.

When your father was born, the balance of the world was altered.

Alternatively, when you were born, the balance of the universe was altered.

Like you didn't know that already.

You knew better than anyone that with the wave of your hand you could have the world on their knees under you.

'But when given everything, you can't do anything.'

"Y/N-san... Are you okay?"

Izuku's concerned tone rang through your ears, worried green eyes lingering at the lump on your bed.

they tell me im a god. ♪ BNHA x Reader ♪Where stories live. Discover now