04 | jesus walks.

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"I don't think that's a part of the dress code." As soon as you stepped into the classroom Aizawa's voice stopped you in your tracks, a small imaginary irk mark appearing on your forehead.

"But it's within the aesthetic, isn't it!" You quickly defended yourself. Did they seriously expect you to wear that disgusting blazer? The thing was suffocating, and the shoulders made you feel like some damn private school kid. Instead you decided to wear a soft knit gray cardigan that somewhat matched the school colors. It was a cute outfit.

"Besides! It's chilly outside! You don't expect little ol' me to freeze do you?" You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. Aizawa only let out an exasperated sigh, zipping up his sleeping bag.

"Fine. I'll only let it slide because of the weather."

You cheered and made your way to your designated seat, your desk placed right behind Yaoyorozu. There was an uneven number of kids, so it was only natural for there to be an odd one out. You greeted Mina and Kirishima good morning, making your way through the aisle to reach your own seat.

"Canada!" (japan?!)

You greeted the boy as you stopped by a certain half-and-half boy's desk, waving him good morning. He had a pretty neat quirk from what you'd seen yesterday. The ability to control fire and ice was pretty cool, it's a shame he never used his fire though.You recognized him as the son of that shitstain Endeavor, someone you weren't particularly fond of.

"My name is not Canada." An icy voice cut through your inner monologue, cold venomous eyes piercing your form. You weren't in the least bit fazed by this, laughing it off and waving it off before sitting down at your desk.

The normal lessons went by agonizingly slow. You had learned this stuff when you were around 10, almost nodding off during a couple of lessons. Thankfully the ever so helpful Yaoyorozu had woken you up before the teachers could catch you dozing off, something you thanked her for with a smile. You had learned the names of everyone in your class with minimal trouble, using the time in class to memorize their first and last names as well as their seats in class and not to mention their quirks. You weren't exactly introduced to them, but you had gotten your hands on some interesting files the night before.

Soon it was time for lunch, debatably the best part of the day. You all gathered up in the mess hall, the entire area buzzing with loud voices and people socializing.

"Miyakuro-san! You wanna join us for lunch?!" Kirishima waved you over, Mina seated across from him along with a few others. The bubbly girl was pointing to an empty seat next to her, to which you nodded and walked over with your lunch to join them.

"You haven't met Sero and Kaminari yet have you?" Kirishima introduced you to the two boys seated at the table with them, along with... Bakugou?

"Oh! It's the ice cream killer!" You pointed your spoon in the pale blond's direction, who immediately erupted in a fit.

"The hell did you say?! Do you have memory loss to go with your blindness!? You're the one who bumped into me!" He smacked his utensils down on the table, pointing an accusing finger at you.

'Okay, rude.'

"Hey now! Calm down!" Kirishima gently pushed down Bakugou's finger, only for a few sparks to erupt in retaliation. Luckily he activated his quirk in time and minimal damage was dealt. "Do you guys have some kind of history or something?" Kirishima turned to you, an eyebrow raised.

"You could say that. We ran into each other at the mall before school started and he made me drop my ice cream." You explained briefly, ignoring the shouts of protest coming from the angry hedgehog. Kirishima hummed in understanding, turning back to his food.

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