21 | none to guide us.

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The secret of One for All was classified information amongst the inner world of pro heroes. Only those of the utmost importance knew of the true meaning and origin of the quirk. Society had no idea that their "Symbol of Peace" was slowly but surely succumbing to his devastating injuries inflicted upon him by All for One

So why was it that you, a seemingly normal high school girl, was so easily able to find little intricacies and flaws concerning the matter?

"Young Midoriya, I would like to ask you about your classmate, Y/N."

The familiar green teen perked up at bit at your name, a light twinkle shimmering in his eyes.

"What would you like to know?" He asked carefully, staring at his mentor from his seat across the table. They had just finished up their little history lesson about One for All, the once muscular and tall pro hero now reduced to his skinny form to avoid any further strain on his body.

"She recently confronted me about us." All Might spoke calmly, Izuku tensing up noticeably across from him.

"What do you mean?" Izuku was growing more anxious by the second, hand grasping at the cup in his hands shakily.

"It's a bit difficult to explain, but I think it requires at least some sort of recognition." All Might started, placing his hands on his knees. "That girl is a strange one. She's no threat, but I have a hard time getting a proper read on her. As a teacher, it is my duty to understand my students and their personalities."

The number one pro hero thought back to when you had confronted him on the roof of the building, carelessly standing over the edge with no regard for your own safetyAt first your words were eerily concerning, until your mood flipped like a switch and played it off as a joke. He had trouble discerning whether or not you were being serious, or if you were playing a bad joke. Teenagers do that, right? Regardless, it was something to be attentive about.

"From what I've seen, she has already mastered her quirk and has little to no trouble completing any exercise during hero training. That being said, her quirk isn't anything too powerful, but she manages to utilize it to her best ability and is able to best the likes of Young Todoroki and Bakugou."

All Might clasped his hands together, blue eyes boring into Izuku's bright green ones.

"What do you make of her?"

Izuku's eyes widened slightly at the question, thinking back to the interactions he's had with you thus far. In his eyes you were nothing short of impressive. (And super attractive.)

He had seen you in action many times, and conversed with you regularly. You were understanding and considerate in his eyes, and he appreciated that. You teased him at times, but not in the way Bakugou did. Your teasing was actually kind of endearing. You didn't make him feel like he was worthless. On the contrary you actually made him feel like he was worth something. Your conversations weren't anything special, just classmates chatting idly. But nonetheless he appreciated your ability to get along with just about everyone in the class. Sure your sense of humor was... questionable, but that didn't stop him from seeing you as a really close friend.

And not to mention your stunning eyes, it truly was a shame you kept them covered all the time. Every time he laid eyes on them he would find his breath being taken away, and combine that with your ability to read situations and react to them accordingly. You were the definition of a strong, independent woman. You didn't need a man to tell you what to do, nor did you want one. If you wanted something, you get it. He had always admired you for that. He didn't know much about your personal life, but in his eyes he didn't need to in order to be your friend.

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