He would've loved you

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                Emily woke up at 6am, she got a quick shower and ate breakfast since she was starving.  It was 6:45am by the time she was done.  She grabbed her keys and jacket before snatching her badge and gun from the counter and leaving the apartment to go visit her dad, as much as she didn't want to, she still felt the need to see him. 

                She got to med at 7am since the traffic was bad, "excuse me, I'm here to see mr evans" she smiled at the desk lady.  The older woman looked up,  "sure, mr evans is on the second floor. The third icu ward along the corridor" she nodded.  Emily smiled, "thank you" he nodded and walked off to the elevator.  She took the quick ride and stepped out where she then wandered down the hospital corridor looking her for her dads ward. 

                 "What're you doing here?" Her dad scoffed.  Emily rolled her eyes and sat down, "you're welcome" she sighed sarcastically.  Her dad shook his head, "the doctor said I had a fall, since when?" He put his arms out.  He had his own room since he hadn't long been out of surgery, "yeah dad, you fell down the stairs. I fetched you in last night, you wouldn't let me call an ambulance" she looked at him blankly.  Her dad narrowed his eyes, "I think I'd remember if I fell down the stairs" he huffed and folded his arms.  Emily shook her head, "well you were drunk dad, so I don't think you would've..." she half mumbled. 

                  Her dad nodded slowly as he remembered drinking last night, "well? What did the doctors say?" She looked at him with half raised eyebrows.  Her dad sighed, "I have a broken elbow and something wrong with my back I don't know, he was rambling on. But I have to stay here for 5 days, can you believe that? Ridiculous" he scoffed.  Emily shook her head, "it's for the best dad, you're always finding something to complain about. They're only trying to help" she sighed.  Her dad snapped his head at her, "well maybe I don't want their help" he reasoned.  She looked at him as if he had six heads, "well you're the one who threw yourself down the stairs so unfortunately you're staying here, end of" she tilted her head.  She checked her phone for the time, 7:20am, shoot, she had to go. 

                 "Look dad, I have to go to work. I'll try drop some things off for you later but I can't promise anything, bye" she stood up.  Her dad nodded and looked away as she walked out, he obviously wanted to thank her but that wasn't in his nature so he ignored her instead.  She huffed as she stepped into the elevator, it looks like her next couple of days were now taken up.  She got into her car and drove to the district, she got into the bullpen with 3 minutes to spare, "hey, everything alright?" Jay smiled as she sat down at her desk.  She smiled back and nodded, "yeah all good, I just had to run a few errands" she lied, she didn't want to bring him into her dads business, and her trauma.  Jay nodded suspiciously, this was the second time she'd excused herself without giving a rightful explanation. 

                 Hank walked out and explained the days work, they didn't have much to do today.  It was mainly just being on call and paperwork, they hadn't been given a case so unless they caught one they were lost for work.  At the end of the day the all agreed to go to mollys, even though they hadn't gotten a case all day they were still swept off their feet with calls and complaints.  Emily hadn't even noticed that hank had already put up the memorial for al on the wall until jay nudged her leg under the desk and pointed to the wall where als hat was.  She looked up from her desk and saw jays hand, she looked up to the wall to see her plaque that she got for the team secured onto the wall above his hat, she smiled and then looked back at jay.  The rest of the unit were also smiling at her too, she nodded at them and got back on with her work, she knew how much al meant to them.  Jay watched her eyes light up at the sight, he smiled at her then looked back at the unit while she got back on with her work. 

                  "Head out guys, go get some rest" hank smiled as he stood in the doorway of his office.  They all nodded and stood up, "Taylor, my office" hank waved her over.  Emily thought she was in trouble so she looked at jay who shrugged his shoulders, she walked into his office and closed the door behind her, "everything okay Sarge?" She smiled.  Hank nodded and pointed to the chair, "take a seat" he smiled.  Emily gulped a little and sat down waiting for him to talk, "al looked for many things in younger detectives, dedication, determination, kindness, bravery. Everything you are, he would've loved you kiddo" he tilted his head and stared at her. 

                 Emily's eyes lit up, she didn't know what to say, "I wish I could've met him" she smiled sadly.  Hank nodded, "yeah I wish you could've too, you know he brought Adam up into intelligence?" he smiled and laughed a little.  Emily raised her eyebrows, "really?" She chuckled.  Hank nodded, "yeah, he saw something in him, something special" he smiled.  Emily smiled back, "I'm sure if I didn't bring you into intelligence, al definitely would've" he added.  Emily's heart warmed, she didn't know what to say at all so she looked down and fiddled with her fingers.  Hank smiled at her appreciation for the team, "what I'm saying is, I'm glad to have you in my unit" he summed up his message.  Emilys head shot up, "t-that means a lot Sarge, thank you..." she spoke softly.  The pair stood up as hank gave her a warm hug, "now get outta here" he smiled and opened the door for her.  Emily laughed and walked out of his office, she grabbed her jacket and smiled before walking out of the bullpen, hank watched proudly as he watched her walk away. 

                 She realised the team had already gone to mollys so she headed there to meet them, her dad could wait, it's not like he was on his death bed or anything.  She strolled in as Hermann raised a beer up for her, she nodded and walked over, "thanks Hermann" she smiled.  Hermann smiled back, "anytime kiddo" he nodded.  He was like a father to everyone, she smiled and walked over to the team.  Jay scooted over for her, she immediately saw the metal plaques which had been screwed to the table, it was officially als table.  "To al" she raised her beer, they all joined the toast then took a sip from their beers. 

                 They chatted for a while before jay saw someone walk in, "I'll be back in two minutes" he smiled.  Emily nodded and got off the bench to let him out, he smiled and walked off to go see a woman that had walked in, Emily sat back down next to Antonio, "that means half an hour" Kevin laughed.  They all laughed and took a sip from their beer, Emily looked over at her partner to see him stood fairly close to a blonde haired woman, they seemed friendly.  She smiled since he looked happy and that's what she wanted for him, to be happy.  She joined in the teams conversation and left the two to socialise.

                After a few minutes the woman walked out, jay wandered back over to the table and put his phone and wallet away, "I'm gonna head out guys, see you tomorrow" he smiled and left fairly quickly.  They all nodded and watched him leave, "one down" Antonio laughed.  Emily laughed too and clinked beer bottles with him, they stayed and talked for a little while longer before they all called it a night themselves. Emily wandered outside, she got into her car and stopped by the store on her way to med. she ran inside and grabbed essentials like a tooth brush and tooth paste, soap, cordial, snacks and a towel. She didn't wanna go back to his house, she just couldn't, too many bad memories to be left alone in there.

She grabbed the plastic bag from the counter and walked out, she always lets the cashier keep the change, it's her daily good deed. She got back in her car and drove to med, when she got there she realised it was too late and the visiting time was over. She had also been lucky the last two times, Will hadn't seen her since he wasn't on shift but now he was. Fortunately for her, he was busy treating patients so he didn't see her, she walked up to the front desk, "please could you give this to mr evans?" She handed the bag over to the desk lady. The woman smiled, "of course, I can let you up if you're just dropping it off..." she started but Emily smiled and cut her off. "It's okay, i actually gotta dash. If he asks when I'll come see him, tell him I said tomorrow" she smiled and walked out. The woman at the desk nodded and got up to go do her task.

She didn't actually have to dash but she didn't wanna see him right now, she was certain he could survive another night without the unwanted company anyways. She got in her car and drove home, this time she actually made dinner and ate it before crashing onto the pillow. She decided she would go see him in the morning again, she didn't have to and she didn't want to, but she always treat people how she wanted to be treat, no matter what they had done to her. She eventually fell into a deep sleep, a well earned rest.

Jay on the other hand was at the woman's house, in her bed with her in his arms. He didn't really want to be there but she told him that one of their friends from college had died and he wanted to be there for her, she just so happened to be jays ex too, typical. They both fell into a sleep at around 12am.

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