of course you love her...

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The rigs rolled up outside of gaffney medical centre and the doors flew open, jay was fairly panicked, Emily had fallen unconscious and the firefighters in the back of the vehicle had to help him fetch her back, but she was extremely out of it now and it was getting worrying.  Cruz took Emily out of jays hands and quickly ran into the ED, "Will you're going to treatment 2!" Maggie called out.  Will looked up to see cruz holding Emily, he ran over to treatment 2 and signalled for Cruz to place her down on the gurney.  Cruz gently placed Emily down onto the medical bed as Will turned to look for any paramedics who could explain the situation when sylvie ran into the room.

                  She took a deep breath, "resuscitated in the field, large water intake, fatal wound to the leg..." she caught her breath back.  Will nodded and began firing out all kinds of medical jargon hardly anyone understood.  Jay was watching in complete shock, there she was, the secret love of his life laying in a hospital bed fighting for her life and here he is, perfect okay.  Hank walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, "we gotta let them work..." he spoke sadly and pulled his detectives and the nearby firefighters back into reality as they all walked out into the waiting room.  Jay sat down straight away, "she's gonna be okay jay, so is Stella" sylvie smiled weakly at jay then at severide.  Both of them nodded, at least Stella was lucid and awake...

Hank sat down next to jay, "I know how hard this is jay... but you've gotta stay positive, Emily wouldn't want anyone feeling anxious" he sighed. Jay sat back, "I can't lose her hank..." he bit back his tears. Hank nodded, "I know jay, I understand..." he started but jay cut him off, "no hank, I can't lose her, I love her..." he shook his head. Hank smiled slightly, "of course you love her...which is why she's gonna need you more than ever right now" he placed a hand on his shoulder. Usually hank would point blank say no to in house relationships but after Kim and Adam he kind of gave up, besides, he knows how good Emily is for jay. The young detective nodded, "yeah..." he looked down and blinked his tears away.

                It had been a few hours from the last update on Emily when Will walked out to greet them all, "she's okay, the wound to her thigh nicked the femoral but dr Marcel managed to repair the damage fully. She's got mild hypothermia but no fluid on the lungs which is good, she's gonna be perfectly fine" the red head smiled.  The group of first responders let out a huge sigh of relief, none of them could ever imagine a life without Emily now, she's their main source of happiness.  Jay smiled, "is she awake?" He nodded.  Will smiled and nodded back, "you can all see her just a few at a time" he added.  Hank looked around at everyone who seemed to let jay go first, "Halstead you first" the older Sargent smiled weakly.  Jay didn't even protest since he needed to see her, "thanks" he spoke weakly before following Will towards Emily's room.

                   Will squeezed jays shoulder before leaving him to walk into her room alone, "hey..." she smiled at him as she rested her head back onto the pillow.  Jay smiled just at the sight of her, "how you feeling?" He smiled and sat down next to her bed in a chair.  Emily smiled, "I'm alright" she nodded, jay smiled back, "still optimistic even when bed bound" he laughed slightly.  Emily laughed too, he wasn't wrong, "docs said I'll be out of work for two weeks..." she huffed and looked down.  Jay smiled, he knows how much she hates being unproductive, "we'll all look after you" he nodded.  Emily smiled, "I knew you'd say that" she looked up at the ceiling.  Jay just watched her every move in awe, there was a slight comfortable silence before he spoke again, "you scared me, a lot..." he sighed.

                   Emily smiled and looked at him, "you didn't think I'd leave so soon did you?" She raised an eyebrow.  Jay smiled, "no, besides, I go where you go remember?" He tilted his head.  Emily smiled, she remembers him saying that like it was yesterday, "I remember" she nodded.  The pair just smiled at each other for a second, jay couldn't resist the urge any longer.  He scooted his chair closer to the bed so he could get a better look at her, "you're pale, are you cold?" He squeezed her hand.  Emily shrugged, "maybe a little" she smiled back.  Jay nodded and smiled weakly, he hated seeing the colour vanish from her cheeks, he began searching the room for a blanket which made her laugh until he came across one.  He walked back over to her bed and placed it over her. 

               Emily smiled, "thanks" she laughed a little.  Jay sat back down, "if I lost you...I don't know how I would've coped" he blurted out making Emily frown.  She done something completely unlike her personality and cupped his cheek with her non wired up arm, "but you didn't lose me...I'm right here" she smiled lovingly, she can't hide her true feelings any longer and neither can he. Jay smiled into her hand, he didn't expect her to do it but he liked it, he reached his opposite hand over to her cheek and cupped hers too before standing up slightly and leaning down to kiss her. The kiss was sweet and short since it was interrupted by a clearing of a throat in the doorway, the pair broke out of it as jay sat back down.

The shot their heads towards the red head who was stood holding a blanket in the doorway, "I was gonna give you this, but 1 I'm pretty sure I just interrupted something and 2 it looks like you're already covered so unless I'm needed I'm gonna leave now..." he furrowed his brows and stood there like a lost child. Emily laughed, "you're free to go?" She laughed and tilted her head, looking at him like a kid who'd just been caught stealing candy. Will smiled at her slightly before nodding to let her know he approves then left the room. The pair looked at each other again but quickly finished the kiss now that Will had left, "I'm not going anywhere jay, really I'm not" she shook her head. Jay smiled, "likewise" he squeezed her hand again.

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