The sand siblings

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It's been a few days since we got back to the village Kakashi-sensei give use a few days to rest from the mission which I was happy for but today we were meet up and doing a few easy missions which I new were most likely going to be like chores but I didn't mind I was bored out of my mind anyway so I was happy we were going to have something to do

Also grandpa said to the Chuni exams were in a few days which I couldn't wait for I was really hoping that Kakashi-sensei would let us do them also for the past few days I been having a feeling like something bad is going to happen soon but I ignored it for now because there no point in worrying about it and there was nothing I could do because it was just a gut feeling so it was best that I pushed it aside

I got to the place were we had to meet up at to get the missions for the day which we had three they were more like chores then missions

They all had the same out come

The first mission was picking weeds in a lady's garden which Naruto wanted to beat Sasuke so he ended up pulling all the weeds and herbs so she ended up hitting him in the head

The second mission was picking up trash out of the stream and Naruto being Naruto he slipped on a rock and fall in and got swept by the flow of the current and went over the water fall and Sasuke ended up saving him

The third mission we had to walked dogs and Naruto choose the biggest one and it ended up being the dog doing the walking and Naruto being dragged be hide him the dog ended up going into a mine field and let just say that didn't end well not at all

Time skip ——————

We were at the bridge waiting for Kakashi which of course he didn't show up until like 5 minutes later

"Guys I have to go tell lord Hokage about the missions today so you have the day off" he said and with that he just disappeared

I got up and walked away from my group because let's be honest I really didn't care about what they did right now because I need alone time so I just walked around the village

I have been walking for more then a half hour now I was about to go home when I heard Naruto yell so I walked over to check out what was going on

When I got there I saw a guy holding Konohamrau by the hem of his shirt right when I saw this I had angry boiling up inside of me because I don't let anyone hurt him because he is like my baby brother

"Put him down"Naruto said

I walked to his side and I put a hand on his shoulder to get him to clam down and he looked at my hand before looking up at me with a pissed look on his face

"Let me take care of this" I whispered to him

He just simply nodded

"Put him down" I told the boy
"Or what pretty lady" he said
"Or you going to have to deal with me" I said

A blond hair girl with four buns came up to him

"Kankro he is almost here" she said
"Come on Termari a little fun can't hurt" he said
"Put him down" I told the guy again
"Or what your just a weak girl" he said
"Ok I tried being nice but know you really tick me off now put him down or you going to regret it" I tell him
"He's just a kid" he tells me
"Oh really just a kid will for one the kid is the lord thirds grandson and since you didn't put him down you have to deal with me" I said
"Oh really and what could you do" he asked

Before he know what was going on I was already behind him I was about to kick the middle of his back then a rock was thrown at him so I looked up to the tree to see Sasuke standing there

"Another one of your brats you know I hate your kind because your all talk no bit" he said

Right after he said that I kicked the middle of his back which caused him to stumbled forward but he caught his balance before he could hit the floor but he dropped Konohamrau in the process and he was able to run to Naruto

"Alright now you really ticked me off" The guy I believe is Kankro said

He was reaching for the thing on his back which I noticed is a puppet

"So he's a puppet master huh this is going to be interesting but who am I kidding it going to be fun will for me anyway" I thought to myself

"Your going to use crow for this" The girl asked
"Yah I mean it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun" he said

Before he could do anything a voice was heard from the same tree Sasuke was in but from the other side

"Kankro you are an embarrassment to our village" A red head said
"Gaara they started it" Kankro said
"I don't care who started it we didn't come here for that" The red hair said
"Right sorry Gaara" he said

The red head turned into sand and appeared in front of the other two and after the Sasuke jumped off the tree infornt of us

"Sorry for all of the trouble he has caused" he said

They were about to turn and leave when Sakura stop them

"What is your purpose from being in the hidden leaf village I mean the village has an alliance with hidden sand but what's your purpose" she said
"There probably here for the Chuni exams" I told her
"At least one of you isn't living under a rock" she said
"What the Chuni exams" Naruto asked
"Don't worry about it Kakashi-sensei may say something about it later" I told him

After that they turned to leave but were stop again but not by Sakura but by duck butt I mean Sasuke

"What's your name" he asked
"Me" the blond asked
"No the one with the gourd on his back" he said
"I'm Gaara of the sand and I am interested in you as while as the h/c hair girl" he said
"I'm Sasuke Uchiha you don't need to know her name" he said

I looked at him for a few seconds then truned the sand Genin

"I'm Y/n Sanutobi" I told them

I looked at the red head and only one thought came to me

"He looks like a panda" I said then I slapped my hand over my mouth since I said it out loud  right after I said that they all looked at me and my face turned red from embarrassment the red head looked at me with a light pink blush on his face

And with that they left and I looked down at the ground my face still red from the embarrassment

"Why did you say that Y/n"Sakura asked as we walked back
"Well I didn't mean to say it out loud but I couldn't help but think he looked like a panda" I said trying not to blush

The rest of the walk was quite my mind drifted off thinking about Gaara even though I only got to look in his Seafoam colored eyes I could see pain in them and that he was alone and I new that my eyes probably looked the same because even though I smiled it was very much fake because on the inside I was slowly breaking little by little but all that matters is that my team buys it when I do smile because most of the time I just keep a bored face and hide any emotion on it

Gaara pov

"I wonder who that girl was?" Temari asked
"Well she did say her name was Y/n" I told them
"Yah but she also has the same last name as the Hokage so she most like his granddaughter" Kankro said
" yah but I thought the Hokage only had one grandchild which was that little kid" Termari said
"Well who ever she is she was a cutie" Kankro said
"Although When I looked in her eyes I could see pain and sorrow and the smile she put on when she said her name was fake" I told them in a bored tone
"Huh I wonder what happened to her" Temari asked

Y/n Pov

I finally got back home bit right when I walked through the door Konohamrau asked me to train him I tried to tell him no and I wanted to sleep but he wouldn't take no for answer so I gave in

We went to the training ground for a hour or two I don't know but anyway we work on his jutsu and his aim when he throws a kuni and a lot more although he has a few bruises from when he wanted to do hand to hand combat with me even though I told him I would win

After we finished training I took him to get Ramen and then we went home for the night and just talked with grandpa

What lies in the truth  (Naruto Various x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum