Finally a real misson

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I woke up to snow jumping on me

"I'm up" I groaned


"Question why the hell did you wake me up" I asked

"Language" She scolded

"Jeez sorry mom" I mumbled

"And I woke you up since you have things to do Lady Y/n"

"Oh yah like what"

"Let's see you need to get more food for one and Lady Tsunade wants to see you at noon"

"*sigh* fine I'll get up" I told her

She nodded her head and disappeared

"I swear she has nothing better to do but annoy me" I grumbled

I put my ninja outfit on and left my flat.

I ate an apple as I walked to the store.

"What do I even need" I thought out loud

As I was walking to the store I ran into Shikamaru and Temari.

"Hello Y/n were you headed" she asked

"To get groceries also why are you still here I thought you left with your brothers " I asked her

"Oh I'm helping with the Chunnin exams"

"But weren't they like a month ago"

"Haha they got pushed back don't ask me why"

"Oh okay will I'll see you later"

"Wait how about we come with you I mean we have nothing better to do" She offered

"Sure if you want"

"What a drag"

I lightly punched Shikamarus shoulder

"What was that for"

"I just felt like it"

"Trouble some women"

Me and Temari laughed

Finally I was done shopping if I would of know Temari would want to get things for her to try I would of left her.

"Are you happy know" I asked her

"Yup" She said as she ate a peach

"Don't you guys have those in the sand village?" I questioned


"Then why did you want one"

"Because we don't get them often"

"Whatever" I grumbled

As we kept walking Temari started giggling

"Why are you giggling" Shikamaru asked

"Oh just thinking" she said

"About what?" I wonder

"About you two"

"What about us" I asked cautiously

"Just how you two looked like a couple shopping and how you guys fight like one"

"WE DO NOT" We both yelled

"See you guys even talk at the same time" She laughed

"Jeez Temari you just don't quite it do you" I asked

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