Babysittng..........Your joking right?

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I woke up and saw that I was in my bed

"How did I get here?" I questioned myself

The last thing I remember was hugging Hinata then her humming the song my mother would sing to me. I guess I must of fallen asleep, But who brought me home because I don't think Hinata would be able to carry me unless she put me on her back.

I don't remember the others there but I was so out of it I wouldn't of been able to sense them.

I got up and changed into my ninja outfit, I wonder if I'll have a mission today. Probably not though because I have a feeling they would just be simple house chores. Eh I mean I would at least get to do something, better then laying in bed all day.

I got to Lady Tsunade's office, I knocked on the door. Hopefully she didn't fall asleep again.

"Come in"

I walked in and saw a little drool on her face and a smudge of ink from the papers.

"Did you fall asleep" I asked

"No!" She yelled

"Then why do you have ink and a little drool on your face" I sweat drop

She brought her hand up and wiped the drool and the ink off her face.

"If you tell anyone-" I cut her off

"You'll make me regret it I know you already told me this a hundred or so times from when I walked in on you sleeping when you were training me" I told her with a little chuckle

Her eye twitched in annoyance, she took a deep breath in to clam herself down.

"Anyway what did you need grand-" she cut me off

"I don't need another Naruto with calling me grandma"

"Fine whatever you say grandma"

"I'm going to ignore that and I have a task for you" she said

"A task really why not a mission" I complained

"Because you don't have a team"

"Okay I'll just join team seven again"

"I'll let you join again after you do the task I have for you today"

I groaned

"Fine what is it" I said with irritation

"I need you to babysit"

"Babysit! Really you call that a task" I groaned

"Yes you'll be babysitting Konohamaru for the day"

"It better be counted as a mission so I get payed" I muttered

She ignored what I said and went on about how she wants me to watch him because Asuma is going on a mission, and there's no one who could watch him.

"You just don't want him going around and doing pranks like Naruto" I mumbled

"That's one reason anyway he should be here in a minute"

The room fell silent to silent like the clam before the storm, I then heard a thud from outside the door. I walked over and open it and saw Konohamaru on the ground face first.

"What are you doing" I question him as he got up

"I was trying to sneak up on you but I tripped" he told me with a smile on his face

I clicked me tongue

"You really want me to watch him for free" I said

"Ehh if you watch him I'll let you do whatever you want for tomorrow"

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