Return to the hidden leaf

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It's been a few days. Gaara,Temari and Kankro have visited me, same with everyone else. I know Tsunade told them about the mission, I could tell that they really weren't happy that I agreed to it. That only reason I know that is because Sakura came in and scolded me about why I shouldn't of agreed to it and all of the things that could of happened.

I still flinch a little if any of the boys hug me, I know they won't do anything. It's going to take me a little bit of time to forget about what happened, to push it back and block it. I know they won't do anything to me I honestly don't know why I flinch, but one things for sure I'm not letting my guard down around other males who give off a weird vibe. Same goes if I have a gut feeling that there up to something.

I was brought out of my train of thought when there was a knock at my door. I looked out my window and saw it was night.

'Weird I don't think any of my friends would come at this time' I thought

"Come in"

The door open and the nurse who's been checking up on me walks in, but I noticed that she's not acting right. Normally when she walked in she always ask how I'm doing and she would always make sure I ate my food. But she didn't tonight in fact she hasn't said a single word to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked

She didn't respond

When I looked closer I really didn't see anything off other then the fact that saw was really pale. Then it hit me, normally she had tan skin.

"Who are you" I demanded

"Well you are smart" she hissed out

My eyes widen

"How did you get here"

"I have my ways"

Her skin started peeling off and soon Orochimaru was standing in her place with a evil smirk on his face. He walked up to me, I couldn't really move because one I was in a hospital bed and two even if I did move the room was small. When he reached me he put his thumb on my cheek and rubbed it, then he took some of my hair and started playing with it.

"I heard what Kabuto tried to do to you don't worry about him I already took care of him"

"What do you want"

He smirked again

"Well I've come to take you back princess"

"No I'm not going back" I told him with Venom

His hand that was playing with my hair stopped. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him, when I looked in his eyes I could tell they were full of amusement.

"I'm been meaning to tell you this your a pedophile and a pervert"

He chuckled lightly

"Just know that I will come back for you and make you mine" he hissed out

"Um no thanks I think I'm good besides I'm pretty sure almost ever boy in the village will be fighting over me" I told him bluntly

"And I'm sure your right because you are a beauty that most men dream to have"

He licked his lips

"Well I best be going I don't want to get caught by the sand ninja"

After he said that he disappeared

Tsunade,team seven along with sai and Yamato and the sand siblings came in.

"Y/n was Orochimaru here" Tsunade asked

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