Today marks 8 years since I lost you

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I was laying in bed I didn't fell like getting up I had no motivation to, I looked out the window with a sad smile. Today of all days my team wanted to meet up and have a day of fun is what they called it, they planned it with the others while I was gone. I didn't want to do it I didn't want to move, the memories that were flashing through my head were to much for me.

Today is the day my parents and my clan were killed in cold blood, the memories that were going through my head I tried so hard to block. The memories with my parents both happy and sad, my mother last words also on replay in my head.

Why it's been 8 years why am I still having the memories on replay, why are my mothers words still in my head. I don't understand why I'm like this, maybe it because they were the only people I had but I've met new people. Even though they can't fill the hole in my heart that was left when I saw my parents get killed infront of me. I could of stop it but I didn't I was frozen in fear then, I only moved when I saw my mother and father fall to the ground.

I finally got up out of bed and put on a my ninja outfit and put my mother's Rose neckless on, I ate a quick breakfast then left my flat. I wanted to get my mother's favorite flowers which were Roses. I would buy two bouquets on for my mother and fathers grave and one for my flat.

I decided I would go to Ino's family flower shop, it was maybe 10 minutes away from my flat.

I walked into the shop and saw that Ino was working today.

"Oh hello Y/n"

"Hello Ino"

"What would you like"

"Two bouquets of rose's please"

"Coming right up"

She grab two bouquets,I payed for them and took them.

"If you don't mind me asking what are they for"

"Oh nothing I just wanted to get some flowers" I lied

She nodded

I then took my leave and headed to my flat first so I wasn't carrying two bouquets around. I got to my flat and grab and vase and put water into it, I then cut the steams a little so the flowers would fit.

I saw a picture out of the corner out of my eye, I walked over to the picture and looked at it. The picture was a family one, my dad on the left and my mother on the right. I stood infront of them in the middle, my mother had her left hand on my shoulder while my father has his right hand. I smiled sadly, I've grown up so much compared to then.

I then grab the flower and left my flat and headed towards my parents grave.

3rd pov
After Y/n left the flower shop Ino told her mother that she was going out, she found her friends soon after. It really wasn't that hard since they were heading to the shop anyway.

"Oh hey Ino we were just coming to get you" Choji said

"Have you guy talked to Y/n today" she asked

"No why did something happen" Lee wonder

"No it's just she's acting weird"

"Really how so" Kiba asked

"Well she just bought two bouquets of Rose's"

When Ino said that a look of realization hit Hinata.

"You said she bought t-two b-bouquets of
r-r-rose right" Hinata asked

"Yes why"

"Do you know something Hinata" Neji asked

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