What now

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When I woke up it was only 9 so I had about two hours before I had to go to the training field and tell everyone the truth and who I  really am. I really hope it doesn't change anything.

I let out a quit sigh. I got up and got changed then I left my flat and walked around the village for a little. I then started to get hungry so I went to get some ramen. After I ate I started heading towards that training grounds.

Today is so troublesome.

"God I'm hang out with Shikamaru to much" I thought

"I really hope this changes nothing" I mumbled to myself

My hands were shaking a little from nerves and anxiety, I didn't want to tell them this so soon but looks like the universe had other plans. I sighed quietly, I mean at least Kankuro, Temari and Gaara are still here so they can hear what I have to say along with the others.

I reached the training ground we were all going to meet at and it looked liked I was the first to arrive soon enough everyone else was there and they sat down and looked at me.

"Okay were here now tell us why you lied to us" Kiba said

"Look I promise you all I had a good reason to lie to all of you" I told them

"Yah right your probably after our clans name" Rose said

"Yah and how do we know that you didn't just hire those three guys to make it look like your from the l/n clan" Ino said

"Look I'm not asking you to believe me but please hear me out and maybe you'll see that I really did have a good reason to lie to you guys" I told them

"Fine tell us it doesn't mean we're going to believe you"Neji said

"Right we're to start" I mumbled

"How about you start with the truth" Sakura and Temari said in unison

"Right well my real name is Y/n L/n and I was born into the mean household, I was an only child which meant I was going to be the heiress of my clan when my parents stepped down" I told them

"Yah right I'm the daughter of the head of our clan" Rose said

"Yah you could be saying that just so we stop being friends with Rose,Hope and Lucy" Lee said

"I'm not okay now of you just hear me out" I told them

"Fine" they all said

"Well I had a normal childhood Well as normal as it could be, my clan didn't treat me any different they saw me as just another kid. Yes they still treated me with respect but my parents didn't want me to be treated different just because of my title. Anyways my parents were kind and they really cared for the people of our clan, they were kind people."I told them

"Can you speed it up" Kankuro asked

"Yah" everyone else said

"I was 8 at the time I had just come in from picking in the garden, I had set the food I picked on the counter and went to go wash up before dinner. I was almost done when I heard screaming, I run out of the house and saw that my clan was being attacked. I froze I didn't know what to do I knew they needed my help but I couldn't move, at one point someone jump infront of me to block 6 Kunai that were amid for me, She was a friend of my parents. She told me to go and find them, I layed her on the ground and ran. I was looking for my parents from the people who were alive to the people who were on the ground dead, I finally found them I ran up to them and hugged them. I started to cry my mother tried to clam me but it didn't work, soon she also started to cry because she knew the fate of are clan and she knew there was no stoping them. Then these three guys came and they said if my parents handed me over they would leave and let our clan live with the little amount of people we still had left. My parents told them no for if they gave me to them then I would be trained to kill. They started attacking my parents with the intent to kill, they knew my parents wouldn't back down so they aimed an attack at me it would've killed me if they didn't step infront of it. They fell to there knee my father holding his stomach and my mother holding her chest, they told me to run and to not look back, they knew and I knew that if I did I would be killed or that they would take me. So I run and run as far as my little legs could take me I ran for almost 2 days once I knew I was far enough I stopped. I then rested for a day then I started walking it took me about half a day until I saw the gates to the hidden leaf" I told them

I looked at them I wanted to cry but I held it in, they didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"And how do we know your not making these up" Hope asked

"I'm not why would make this up" I told her

"Yah well you are claiming to be from the L/n clan when were from it and we've never seen you"Lucy said

"Yah so stop making up lies to get attention and using our clan name and using my parents" Rose said with tears in her eyes

"Look what you did to Rose your making her cry" Lucy said as she hugged her

"I don't know about you guys but I don't believe her" Hope said

Lucy and Rose agreed with her, I looked at my friends.

"Sorry Y/n but that story is kind of hard to believe I mean after all these years of you lying to us" Ino said

Everyone else besides Hinata agreed.

"So you don't believe me" I asked

"Sorry but no and we don't want to be friends with a liar"Tenten said

"So what are you saying" I asked

"She means that we don't want to be friends with you" Sakura said

Everyone besides Hinata agreed with her, with that everyone left with Lucy and Hope comforting Rose.

"Hinata what am going to do" I asked her

"I don't know Y/n-chan you told them the truth and they didn't believe you" she said

"Your right but know they don't want to be friends with me anymore" I said as treats fell down my face

Hinata got up and hugged me.

"I know y/n but you still have me and I won't leave you I promise" she said

After a few minutes I claimed down so we got up and left, we hung out for the rest of the day. She helped me get my mind off of it. News spread around the village that Rose, Hope and Lucy were moving into the village.

I didn't know what to do because I had just lost all of my friends besides Hinata and I knew that's what they were trying to do. That night I went home.

I knew I had two choices which were

1. Leave the village and try to find a new one


2. Stay hereby in the village and try to move on

I decided I would try two and if it didn't work I would tell Hinata that I was going to leave the village and go back to my clans compound and maybe fix it up or go and try to live my life in a new village.

I ate dinner then went to bed with one thought one my mind which was how I'm going to get my friends back.

3rd pov

As everyone left Y/n and Hinata at the training field they were upset that she would lie to them, and the fact that she hurt Rose. Although some had doubt that she was telling the truth and that Rose,Lucy and Hope were the ones lying.

After they calmed down Rose they hung out all day doing fun thing, they got lunch together which was when Rose,Lucy and Hope told them that they were going to move to the village. They were quiet happy that they were moving here because then they could hang out more often and get to know them more.

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