Sasuke leaves the village

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It been a few weeks since me and Hinata hung out and it was fun. But anyway during the week we had a mission to protect someone during a race that they were doing. He was around our age maybe a little older, but a lot happened on that mission because Sasuke got injured same with Naruto. So here I was going to the hospital to go check on the duck butt and the knucklehead, Sakura was with me also although she was more worried about her Sasuke-kun then Naruto. We got to the hospital and asked what room they were in, sense they were in the same room it was easier for us to see both of them. When we got there Sakura ran to Sasuke bedside, I just rolled my eyes at that. I walked over to were Naruto was and saw that he was still sleeping, So I walked over to the chair which was in the middle of his and Sasuke's bed and sat waiting for him to wake up. When I looked over at Sakura I saw her hold Sasuke's hand with a death grab.

I got bored waiting for them to wake up so I got up and headed towards the door.

"Were are you going Y/n" Sakura asked

"I'm getting bored just sitting here and waiting for them to wake up, I'll visit them later when there up" I told her

"Okay but you still didn't answer my question"

"I going to the market to get food" I told her

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me, I walked down the hallway to the front entrance of the hospital. When I got to the front entrance I told the lady at the front desk that I would most likely back later. With that I walked out and headed for the market, by the time I got there it was busy.

"What a drag" I mumbled to myself

'I've been spending to much time with shikamaru' I thought to myself

It took maybe an hour or two but I got what I wanted so I headed back to my flat to put it away, on the way there I ran into Shikamaru,Ino and Choji.

"Oh hey guys" I said

"Hey Y/n" Ino said

"hey Y/n" Shikamaru said

"Oh did you go shopping" Choji asked

"Yes and before you asked I'm not giving you anything the last time I did that you ate almost all of it" I said

Ino started laughing at this

"Hey it not funny" Choji said

"It kind of is" Shikamaru replied

"Anyways Y/n are you doing anything next week" Ino asked

"Not that I know of way" I asked

"Well I want to have a girls day you know go shopping get or nails done" she said

"U-um I d-don't k-know" I stutter out

'God damnit why did I stutter so much now I feel like Hinata when she talks to Naruto' I thought

"Come on you'll love it" she said

I looked over to the boys for help.

"Ino you know Y/n doesn't like all of that girly stuff" Shikamaru said

"I know but she's never had a girls day before" she said

I sighed

"You know what fine but only this one time if it means you will stop bugging me about it" I said

"Yes" Ino said as she jumped up and down

"Anyways I got to go and put these away see you guys around" I told them

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