Life or Death pt 1

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I was walking with Hinata and Tenten we were doing nothing, we were just really bored. None of us could come up with any idea on what to do so we just took a walk talking about random things.

"How is training with your dad come along Hinata?" I asked

"It's good he a little hard on me" I hear her quit voice say

"I'm sure he just wants the best for you" Tenten told her

I nodded in a agreement with what Tenten said.

"Anyway how about we meet up later at the hot springs" Tenten said

"Huh but isn't everyone else going to be there?" I asked

"Yah but we can just avoid them" Hinata said

"Yah plus of they try to start a fight then we'll leave" Tenten said

"Okay" I told them

"Anyway before we go and get ready how about we go eat"Tenten said

Me and Hinata nodded

"How about barbecue" I suggest

"Yah that sounds nice" Hinata said

So we started walking to the barbecue place, as we were walking I got the feeling I was being watched. I stopped and looked around me but I didn't see anything.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Tenten asked

"Huh yah" I told them as I looked around one more time

"Are you sure" Hinata asked

"Yah I it's just I felt like I was being watched" I told them

"Did you see anyone" Tenten asked

"No I think I'm just imagine it" I told them

"Okay" they said

I caught up to them, we made it to the barbecue place. All of us got what we wanted, we were there for a good hour. We ended up fighting about who would pay, I won so I payed and put a little extra. I told the lady to kept the extra money

"Okay see you guys in an hour" I told them

They nodded, we then went are separate ways. As I was walking home I felt like I was being watched again but I didn't think much of it.

I got to my flat and unlocked the door and walked in, I went to my room to get a bag and a change of clothes. As I was packing I heard glass shatter, I immediately stopped what I was doing and grab a Kunai. I started walking to were the sound came from, when I got to the living room I saw that one of the two windows were broken.

I looked around the room with my guard up, I knew someone was there. I only stop when I felt a cold blade against my neck.

"Move your dead" I heard a familiar voice say

I looked over my shoulder a little and saw Kabuto

"Kabuto" I said with venom

"Dropped the Kunai knife" he tells me

I don't listen to him, I only dropped it when I felt him push the blade harder against my neck.

"Good" he said

"What do you want" I asked coldly

"Oh just checking in" He said

"Let me guess Orochimaru sent you" I said

"I wouldn't be here if her didn't" He told me

I chuckled

"What did you get replaced by Sasuke" I said

What lies in the truth  (Naruto Various x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora