7. Overprotective brother

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Emily smirked ",I never agreed yet your parents got hitched either ways." Louisa laughed ",Maybe, but I am not that strong or willful. Molly seemed like a person who'd do such a thing. Besides ,I don't know where he is ,whether dead or alive ,he never sought me out. Why should I bother". She shrugged. Emily patted her shoulder ",I am sure he remembers ,what is he?". She asked.

Louisa scoffed gently ",Ow granny ,how I wish he wasn't a knight,or a sir".

"A knight". Johan rose his brows . That is a title far above her current rank. Even their title as local land lord and land lady would not suffice.

Louisa seeing that lost all hope",See ,I told you it was no use." she said gently ,when they heard a commotion .

A guard came running ", My lord ,a young male by the name Devin demands to be let in". Louisa stood immediately . Emily nodded to the guard. After a while ,hurried footsteps could be heard then a very handsome youth with bright blonde hair and green eyes entered. He looked every bit like a noble man ,with a tailored black suit. But he was a mess ,his eyes wide with fright ,his hair dishelved. Seeing Louisa he ran to her and hugged her so tightly she thought she would seize breathing .

",Thank God ,you are alright ". He sighed . All his tension let loose. "I won't be for too long, you are crushing my ribcage". She squeaked ,he let her go. "Sorry". Then he looked her over .

"I was so worried when I couldn't find you. You should've waited for me to finish then send you to the Valghorts. I immediately set out to look for you after you left. Some one told me three guys had you cornered.. I....didn't know what to do....what if my fair little sister died...wouldn't mom disown me then. You are the apple of her eye. Ow I was so scared Louisa when the Valghorts told me you hadn't arrived. I only took a guess to look here for help ,to find you". He was brimming with tears. His hands checking her hair and patting the curls to look perfect as always. Checking her arms and seeing the blue and black he sniped ",Who did this, let et him. I will destroy him,and chew his flesh and ,and -". She cut him off by hugging him tightly. ",Grandpa took care of them. No need to work up that small brain of yours. Besides my big brother is the best." she comforted him.

He nodded his head agreeing ",Yes ,yes I am the best and the oldest and mom told me to take care of you here okay. Stop being stubborn and listen to me please." He said seriously. She nodded rapidly.

"You won't tell mom?".

She gave him the puppy stare. He looked away. "Please ,she will come and drag me back if she has to". He shook his head ",She said we must report everything ,even if you sneeze from that pretty little nose ,she should know."he said helplessly. She got a determined glint in her eye,letting him go she said slyly filing her nail ",Ow ,I will tell mom how bank clerk King has caused such a mayhem in the ladies of trinket town. How many eligible maidens frequent the bank in the guise of checking their balance ,while instead they want to see bank clerk King." when she finished ,he was pale ashen.

"But you can't report that. It's irrelevant. Not important as your life ". He said tactically.

"Ow I think mom would love to hear how you turned down twenty marriage proposals or the hundred clandestine affairs they requested. Even widows ,and married woman are tempted. Ow I think mom would love to hear all about this". She smiled. He was green in the face. Then added a killer move ",Or I could just tell her of your unrequited love for-".

"Alright ! Alright! Alright!". He stopped her. He rubbed he rubbed the area above his heart."You poisonous minx , I will be quiet for a while. But you won't be able to hide it forever. Mom will drag it out of you if she has too." he raised his nose in indignation. He felt wronged somehow.

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