You are more important

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She bent down and picked it up with the other half. Her face as red as a the rest tomato. He had wanted to see that,but he also wanted to show her and her parents , her importance to him.

"Mr Strauss. sorry!". She gasped. " I can fix it. I know a glass maker".

She rambled nervously. Her parents were shocked when he just smiled " ,It is alright. No harm done".he said taking it gently from her hands . He put it back in the pocket. Then gave her her doll .

"You should bring them". He smiled at her patting her head a little. Nodding to her parents ,he left. Her parents were shocked. Then her parents said whispering ",How does he treat at home?".

She smiled and said ",Very good. Yesterday he fetched all my belongings into the house and it rained on him. Then he helped me put away all the big things ,and made me a cup of tea. We had cookies for dinner. Then helped me push the bed to the corner. Then in the morning when I woke up ,he had already bathed and dressed. He brought me hot water for bathing. Took out the chamber pot. He had even cooked a delicious rice porridge ,I ate three bowls full. Then we came to church." she explained all his good qualities with a smile ,and a blushy face when talking about him taking out the chamber pot. Poor Dariah became aghast at this. "You.. You . You didn't do anything a wife should do. You !". She couldn't even speak. Her father chuckled. He was glad ,his new son treated his daughter like a queen.

"When can we visit?". He asked. Molly said ",Not now,we are still busy. Maybe next month". She said walking away taking her things. Her parents left in shock. Again they forget she is an innocent 15 year old girl . They looked at each other's faces. Her face was a perfect image of shock,with a blushing visage.

In the kitchen ,she directly sat next to Joel on the table. Her siblings chattering their life's away. Asking Joel this and that. He answered softly ,and gently. Like a perfect man would. Louisa had starry eyes. Seeing her ,Molly flipped her off. Louisa blushed looking away.

Dariah reheated the food and soon it was lunch time. After a quick prayer of thanks,they dug in. She ate happily ,and had some more. Her mother's worried eyes looked at Joel ",I am sorry ,she eats like a pig. I told her she must be more ladylike ".

Joel smiled ",It is alright mother. I find her adorable in fact. She shouldn't go hungry for the sake of appearances". Dariah sighed heavily ",You are spoiling her too much. What if she makes you lose face in public?". She asked. Her father raised a brow.

"Well ,my wife' s stomach is more important than face. Those people are not related to me. So why should I bother with them". He shrugged ,passing a large portion of his chicken served to him and passed it to Molly. They grew even more shocked. Molly smiled ", You are my soulmate ". She beamed to him before tearing into the meat leaving sauce on the sides of her mouth. He smiled amusedly at her. Her family frozen in shock. Poor Dariah just could not breathe. He naturally picked up a handkerchief ,and wiped her checks like it was the most natural thing . The amount the dog food fed to her family was too much after the lunch ,Elizabeth and Logan were assigned dish washing duty.

They sat on the patio. The entire time ,Joel smiled gently to them like a magnimonius prince would. But when he talked to her ,he would give an indulgent smile. He looked as though he would do anything for her. Her parents just couldn't understand how he fell so fast. Especially for a childish Molly.

She burped suddenly . Her face flushing."Sorry". She called out. Her mother ,poor, poor Dariah just about lost ten years of her life she spent on etiquette. Joel gave a hearty laughter. Pulling her closer to him,who was next to him by the waist. Her siblings laughed,and the younger ones competed with their burps. Dariah's frown was pitiful. Her husband whispered to her ",Look at our daughter. She is happy and positively adored. Let her be ."then kissed her cheek. Dariah looked at her son-in-law who had an indulgent smile on his face. His attention solely on Molly. And not a lecherous or lust filled gaze. He had an adoring look on his face towards her . Like treasure. She calmed her heart. Then ultimately smiled looking at her giggling daughter,who smiled till her eyes creased like crescents.

She laughed and said ",Mr Strauss ,they don't believe me . Tell them ,our house is next to a river. Last night when it rained. The river flooded and was underneath the house. And... and that the mountain is directly behind our house!". She kept saying our house. He merely nodded.

"It is true our house is next to the river. And a mountain. You should visit. I will extend the house first since it is still a one bedroom house. But you can visit now if you like". He said.

"Not now ,next month." Molly said seriously. He frowned in confusion ",Why next month?". He asked. Her parents where also curious.

"Because we are still busy". She said tilting her nose up. She didn't understand her words,but him ,louisa ,Logan ,Devin and her parents did. He blushed ,the red traveled down his neck. He looked at Molly in shock. The most shocked they have ever seen him. Seeing him, she winked at him then giggled. He shook his head in a disbelief. A helpless smile on his face.

Her parents shook their heads. This girl is too perverted. They should've seen it.

At night when they were leaving Tracy was crying to go along.

Dariah denied vehemently."She can visit. She used to sleeping with me". Molly argued.

Her eyes teary. "Yes. She can come ". Joel said ,his eyes frowning at his wife's teary face.

"Not now. You are newly weds". Dariah said disapprovingly. Tracy broke out in a cry. Molly picked her up and said ",I will come back tomorrow. I promise. We have to go for marriage counseling then we will go for sweets in town okay?". She asked.

Tracy put her arms around her neck,shaking her head.

"It is really alright. We will bring her bam tomorrow".Joel said softly but sternly to his parent in laws. He was serious they saw. They agreed. Packing an overnight back for her ,they left after a short goodbye.

Her husband said",Don't worry. Tracy will report to us." when said like this,she calmed own down.

Tracy saw her sisters house. She smiled. When they reached there . Walking inside she ran around like crazy . Her sister just smiled then said ",Tracy ,come lets change our clothes". She called her. They went to change. Joel was still outside fixing the horse in the shed he then fetched the dry chamber pot and went directly to the screen. He put the pot in. Molly gasped. He said sorry seeing her in her undies. She blushed till her face felt like it was on fire. While they were in ,he changed into a mian fu and cleaned up a bit,while brewing a cup of tea for them . He reheated the remaining rice porridge and remembering his wife's gluttonous face ,he added more crushed rice to the pot and water and honey to make it sweet and sticky.

The girls having finished wearing their nighties went to the kitchen to see Joel busy wiping and cleaning. Then he smiled ",Sit. I will dish the porridge out now ". Then sat. Molly's watered.

"What is porridge?". Tracy frowned. She knows her sister well. They both don't like porridge as it is sticky and stale. Only eaten when sick or there is no food. Why is her sister so happy to hear about porridge now? She just couldn't keep quiet",Actually Mr Straws,my sister hates porridge. She'd rather go hungry". She tilted her nose up ,just like Molly. He placed the tea pot and porridge pot on the table. He smiled ,he could tell these two spend a lot of time together. He brought the two bowls of porridge and gave them.

"She likes my porridge".he said showing Tracy a Molly who had started inhaling her food. Molly gave a quick prayer then started to eat without waiting on ceremony.

Seeing Molly eat with fervor,she also began to eat tentatively. Tasting the burst and sticky porridge ,with a nice texture. She ate a bit more and quickly . Her mother was not around.

Poor Dariah who was just preparing to sleep felt her nose itch and her eyebrow twitch.

",What's wrong?".her husband Mr King asked. "What's wrong is letting our six year old to go and cohabit with a pair of newly wedded adults. Who knows what they will get up to. Corrupting my poor poor Tracy's innocent mind." she answering ,while fixing the pillows furiously. "Dariah. Molly loves Tracy more than anything-". John began. Only to be ruthlessly cut off ",Not more than the love potion the boy has given her. She is now lecherous vixen". She beat the bed linen into place.

"Ah she is like you then . The adventurous type". John smirked. She blushed furiously at his inclination, threw him with a pillow. She scoffed and tilted her nose up. Then left the room. John shook his head.

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