How wonderful it is.

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Molly and Tracy both sneezed. Joel frowned. They looked at each other and visibly shuddered. Only their mother would have time to talk about them at night. They ate even more gluttonously and ate till their bellies were full and rounded. Seeing how stuffed they were ,he gave them tea . "Drink this". He gave them. After drinking they felt much better. Tracy yawned.

",Sleepy yet?". Asked Molly . "Yeah ". Tracy yawned again rubbing her eyes with her meaty hands . Molly smiled rubbing the little girls brown curly hair. Joel looking at the two ,couldn't help but feel in his heart that Molly will make a beautiful mom. And they two will have a beautiful family. He just knew it. He took Tracy and Molly to sleep. Molly asked him ,rubbing her eyes ",Where will you sleep?". She asked. He smiled tenderly,he affectionately rubbed her head and kissed her forehead",I will sleep on the rug with my blankets. Go on now". He said helping her into bed. And covering her up ,he kissed her hair ,inhaling her fragrance. Then he left. She fell promptly asleep after that .

He placed the mat on the floor,then his futon. Then he went to the kitchen,washing the dishes ,he took the soya beans and flour and started to mix the flour. He wants to make them soya dumplings. Some for the journey to the Church. Otherwise some for breakfast . He wants to raise her up to be a wealthy husband's wife. Who is spoiled. After mixing he let it raise. He turned off the light in the kitchen,but let the whale oil lamp to continue burning in case on of them wanted to pee.

In the morning ,Molly was awaken by the smell of something nice and cooking. Without even opening her eyes,her nose led her to the kitchen. She saw her sister Tracy washed and dressed sitted by the table. Her legs swaying ,eating something ,that looked delicious. Amused by her Joel said ",I cooked dumplings. But the rule of this house is that you must bathe first before eating breakfast." he said pulling her behind him. His other hand held hers and the other the, water pitcher.

",But is there an exception ?". Her eyes kept on looking at her younger sister who stuffed herself even faster now that ,Molly is awake. Molly frowned ",Traitor". She said over her shoulder. Tracy stuck out her tongue then took a big bite.

Molly shook in anger. Joel laughed pulling her to the room behind the screen he said ",When you are pregnant ,I will personally serve you on the bed. " he said. She frowned a little. Then said ",I will have to get pregnant sooner or later. But in our village the first year of marriage is expected. But mostly people are already pregnant when they decide to marry."she said seriously. He hated seeing such a serious face on her he said ",It's fine. I will serve you in bed starting tomorrow then". He began. She shook her head ",The rules if this house ,made by my husband ,my lord ,my king, head of the house. I will comply don't worry".she smiled. He frowned on worry. He didn't want her to comply. He wants her to be unruly and spoiled ,willful and happy.

"But I want you to be happy". He said."I am happy".she smiled soothing out his creasing forehead. She remembered that her mother usually does to soothe her father. She pulled him down and kissed him . He was shocked. In the end his tofu was stolen first by his wife. Letting him go she said ",Stop worrying". Then realizing what she had done she blushed heavily.

He poured water for her. Seeing him come , Tracy ran back to the kitchen. When Joel came she blushed and giggled. He shook his head helplessly. These two. He could already see his own daughter in Tracy. He must work hard.

After bathing she poured the wash water into the chamber pot to hide that she peed. After dressing she was about to take out the water when Joel came and took the chamber pot and went out. She blushed furiously she forgot to tell him not to. Tracy seeing that she shook her head.

Molly fixed the bed ,closed her trunk properly and placed her blanky and doll ontop.

Molly sat near Tracy ,and after a quick prayer started to eat. She felt that her husband was really good.

Joel seeing her stuff herself with his food gave him a sense of satisfaction. After that ,they went to the wagon. Tracy saw the meandering river ,with the yellow ,red,white and pretty flowers. With beautiful trees. She saw many butterfly and colorful birds. She felt like she was in a fairy land.

They traveled to town immediately. Greeting everyone by the way. As everyone now knew that Molly was married. She was elevated from the farmers daughter,to a scholar's wife. The girls were jealous they had not snatched Joel first. The boys were angry they delayed. Though a small town connected to seven villages with a total population of nine hundred,they knew mostly everyone each other.

Reaching the church ,they entered. Seeing them the reverent smiled. Seeing Tracy he said ",You fetched her to come along?". He asked kindly. Tracy revealed a toothless smile",Actually I slept with sister Molly and Mr straws yesterday. "

"Ow is that so".he smiled ,giving the two a fleeting glance. Then he said ",Tracy ,go to mother Gloria. She has baked the most delicious cookies today". He said. Mother Gloria ,his wife . Tracy's eyes widened. Looked at Molly ,she nodded then said " ,Save some for me."

Tracy giggled ",No promises". She ran away giggling.

The reverent smiled ",Precious child. " The two nodded unconsciously. Joel's eyes showed a paternal streak ,which the reverent caught. He smiled",Please follow me". He urged. They went in to the study room. Two hours later ,both of them came out. Holding a small box packaged in a brown paper. Their faces very pink . They could hardly glance at each other. The reverent called out from the room ",Make sure to come for counseling every month end."he called out. The couple answered and ran away. Retrieving Tracy and the cookies they ran away.

Then on their wagon ,they soon forgot their awkwardness when Tracy demanded food and dolls and trinkets. Joel indulged her. He also bought other household items for him and Molly and some gifts for in laws and even buying Tracy a new dress. Late in the afternoon ,the town was a buzz with how Molly's husband spends like a real rich man should. They left to Molly's home. Passing her family fields she saw her siblings. She

called ",Hey guys ! It's late . Let's go home!".she hollered. Joel shook his head smiling. We're was decorum,we're was the saying that ladies do not shout or scream.

They saw it was her,picking up Their tools they ran to her. In excitement. They got on after greeting. They sat a bit cramped with the things they bought as well as the tools.

Reaching the house ,the couple ran outside to the wagon. Seeing their daughter and son in law and the rest of their children they smiled . Tracy got off first almost stumbling ,then Joel Miraculously helped her down. She ran to her parents. Seeing their daughter wearing such a pretty dress and not the usual hand me down. She was very pretty. Her new dress a beautiful blue silk. With new white stockings and a beautiful white oxfords. Her mother teared. She used to wear like that in her youth. She just couldn't force her poor husband to provide for her ,these expensive clothes.

Then Joel went to Molly and picked her up then twirled her a bit then sat her down when she giggled. Her mother seeing that involuntarily smiled. Her other kids got ff. putting aide the tools. Seeing the full wagon John said ",You need help with that at your house?". Seeing the wooden pallets he asked as he is a wood's man. Joel seeing this he smiled ",I am not sure if father-in-law can help". He had the audacity to blush. "What are you saying,we are family ,tell me". John laughed. Joel then smiled ",Then ,I won't be polite. We need more chairs,as we have only one chair. And the floor is a bit shaky,Molly doesn't walk around freely ,I noticed." he said. Hearing thus Molly blushed."I-I it's not that Mr Strauss". She stuttered. John laughed seeing that. Taking out other things he said ",I bought these for you and the children."he said to Dariah. Her eyes widened.

"For me?". She was shocked looking at the bolts of cloth and different fabrics. "No,we couldn't take such. You should bring it for your wife". She protested. John's nose ran sour. The most he had bought his wife all these years was a bolt of pure white silk. Of which she didn't use for herself ,but decided to save it for their night gowns when they marry. But his son in law bought ten bolts at once. As well as some dried imported fruits. Dariah filled with gratitude. "Thank you". Then they went inside with more things being brought in. Silk curtains ,cutlery and the like.

"This -". John was beginning to feel his dignity as a man questioned. Joel kowtowed quickly. Molly gasped ,a hand on her mouth. Everyone became quiet.

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