16. Louisa decides to be the mail ordered bride

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They felt like they were fed food. Devin said ",You know ,I almost forgot how lovey covey those two can be". He wrinkled his nose . Daraih snapped ",They are within their rights to be lovey dovey. What about you . Who knows what you get up to at night". She glared. He flushed red and looked away resolutely.

In the kitchen,Joel cooked a large pot. Then he placed a big bowl before her and said ",For you my love". She blushed and said ",Thanks". Then she ate. She ate bowl ,after bowl after bowl. Then drank tea. Then she leaned against his chest. Then she burped. He smiled at her. "That's good".he kissed her forehead. Then slowly but surely she fell asleep. He kept watching her. Caressing her baby bump. She was so beautiful . He picked her up and took her to the room. Laying her down ,he laid besides her and closed his eyes. He fell asleep.

Everyone decided to sleep. Emily and Johan wanted to sleep in the living room. But Daraiah insisted they occupy the girl's bedroom. All kids slept in the living room. Daraih looked at Joel and Molly. Covering them in a blanket she slept peacefully that night. Everyone slept peacefully that night.

In the morning . Molly woke with a start. Seeing Joel not besides her ,she worried. But then again he is not sleeping. It was early morning, but Dariah and Emily woke to Joel in the kitchen making porridge, with a gentle smile on his face. Then pouring in a big bowl. He said ",Morning mother,grandmother". He smiled.

Daraih smiled",Yes ,good morning. " then moving forward she said ",So much food ,are you eating together?", she asked. Joel smiled ",No. This is all for my little gluttonous wangfei. " Dariah said ",B-but it's too much. She'll have indigestion". Daraih sturttrerd. Joel put two cups of tea on the tray." the tea helps."then walked away. Daraih said",You are spoiling her".

Joel laughed",If I don't ,where would all my doting and spoiling go?". Then disappeared down the passage. Emily laughed",Now ,I understand ,Devin and Louisa saying you suffer from dog food disease." Daraih sighed " , His public display of affection is sometimes extreme". She rubbed her temples. Taking a spoon she tasted the porridge. "Wow,so good". Her eyes widened to effect. Emily seeing such a reaction also took a bite. "Wow. So good. No ponder Molly raved about his cooking".

Molly heard the door open, turning she saw Joel with plates of food. She smiled as she realized he was serving her in bed. "Morning". He called. "Morning". She smiled back. Giving her the bowl,he placed the tray by the side. She ate unceremoniously. Moaning in pleasure. Mr King paused outside the door. "Tastes so good". Molly sang. Mr King turned around and went to the kitchen his ears red. His face red. He couldn't face Daraih. She laughed ",What did you see? Did you go to see Molly? She s eating porriedge right now ,don't disturb her". Then she winked at him. He flushed and left the house in a hurry. Daraih and Emily laughed.

"He still behaves like that to intimacy after seven kids". Emily shook her head. Daraih laughed flushing ",He is not always this shy. He can be a perverse brute if the situation calls for it. And he calls me the perverse one." then seeing her dad ,she flushed a deep red. "Dad". She grimaced. "I will go check on Mr King". Then she ran out the door. Emily laughed.

They continued to live for a while before Emily and the others returned to trinket town. The spring gave birth to summer, and so did Molly. Her birth was tiring and Joel was a nervous mess outside the bedroom door. He was digging the floor with his pacing. john and Johan could sympathize with him. Then after seventeen hours of grueling labour pains, Daraih came out and said ",It is a boy." Joel said in his heart ,truly genes are powerful . Since in his family ,the first born had always been male. He asked though ",Where is my wife?". Daraih smiled ",Your wife is safe and sound. Just nursing the baby". Joel nodded . Then he fainted on the spot. Well he had to. He drank nothing ,nor ate anything. He was pacing for seventeen hours. Mr King shook his head",I'd hate to be on the receiving end if this guy's anger". They rejoiced and lived in peace for many years. But Loiusa seeing her sister give birth to her second child ,a girl after a few years ,was happy for her ,but decided it was time to move forward. She left a letter saying she eloped with some gypsy. But in reality she answered a news paper ad. A man in the Americas was in need of a bride. She took the money ,bought fancy dresses filled her trunk . Left the rest for her parents . And some to help her come back if she so wishes. She got on the big ship and waved good bye to her brother Devin ,who knew the truth, he had to keep her secret ,after all ,he too had a dangreous secret. How he is married to a prostitute and has bought her a house in trunket town and has a son. He dares not tell his parents. She looked towards the west and setting sun.

She looked towards her destiny. She wasn't destined to love or fall into arranged marriage . She will be the mail ordered bride.

The End of part 1

(22-04-2020)(watch out for Part2)

published date 2021/06/13

sorry for being late to this book's readers. i was lazy to cut the chapters. Thanks for the love. And yes Louisa and Devin's  book is coming. And yes, iwant it to be a series for the King siblings. Watch out world, form SOUTH AFRICA.


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