New Life as a wife

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He sat down. Everyone also sat down. They made her sit next to him. She blushed heavily ,but thanked heavens for her veil.

",It is a Christian service,would you have a problem with it?". The reverent asked gently.

The man smiled ",Would my wife to be ,be willing to compromise otherwise?". He looked at the small Lolita besides him. She was afraid to speak out of term because of her mother but she said ",I shan't compromise my religion ". Then tilted her head to the side. Her parents were petrified.

The man smiled ",Then a Christian wedding it is reverent".

The reverent smiled at his patience. He said then ",Dearly beloved we are gathered here today in union of Joel Strauss and Molly Quinn King ,in holy matrimony-".

And he proceeded with the service then said ",I now pronounce you as man and wife . You may kiss the bride". He said .

Joel said ",Kiss ,in public?". He asked . The reverent and everyone else laughed , it was only her immediate family members. They didn't tell anyone else. She looked at him shyly. Her veil obstructing her view. ",Yes. It shows you will love and cherish her forever more". He explained. "You both should come to marriage counselling next Monday". He advice. Joel nodded. Then unveiling her ,he kissed her forehead slowly then leaned back they cheered for them. Then eating the cake ,and food and dancing they remained until late. The reverent left them at dusk. Then at dusk the couple were helped pack the furniture and some food as well. They could not very well ask them to stay. The newly weds need their privacy.

Steering his new wagon towards his house at the bottom of the mountain. The condition to marry her was to stay in the same village. Her parents cried after seeing her taken away. Her mother collapsed to the floor in deep sadness. Her siblings felt ,even more sadness.

She was shivering on the wagon . Seeing her ,he took off his jacket and passed it to her. She covered herself. He drove for a while ,seeing that his farm is just at the outskirts at the bottom of the hill,with a meandering river. Reaching the house ,she had fallen asleep . He smiled contently. Seeing the dark clouds and lightning . He stood up and picked up his wife and a lantern. Placing it by the door he went in ,the floor ,crying in displeasure. Seeing the bed he placed her on the bed gently.

He ran back outside ,he placed the furniture inside. She came with pots ,dried foods,blankets ,curtain. A huge trunk of clothes. Clearing the entire wagon, then he placed the horse in the shed. When he was closing the shed door ,the downpour fell upon his head. He ran into the house ,closing the door . Shutting off the cold . Turning around he saw his wife. She had dressed in a light silk gown ,with her blonde hair bound up in a bun. She was placing the pots on places were water was dripping to the floor. Creating a cacophony of sound. Then she tried to pull the barrel to a portion of the room ,to where water was falling in a torrent.

He put his hands on it and placed it to that place ."Is it fine ?"he asked. She nodded. "Thank you". She nodded.

Then she placed her cups on the cupboard . The plates too. He watched her with an amused smile. Then he picked up her trunk ,and placed it in the room. Then he walked to the kitchen ,picking up his pot ,he switched on the fire stove ,then said ", I am making tea ".

She nodded. Taking a blanket and inner to the bedroom. Seeing a drip by drip on the bed ,she cried in alarm. "Joel ,the water is dripping on the bed!".

Hearing her alarm ,he ran to her. Seeing her point he ran and pulled the bed to the corner of the room ,where the was no dripping of water.seeing the wet sheets,he blushed and removed them. She thanked him. He nodded and walked away. She smiled at his retreating figure. She then dusted the bed with a broom ,then put the inner on the bed then the new blanket and the new duvet they bought her. The room smelled and looked better. She looked around ,seeing the corner was a screen folded exposing a table ,with a bath basin on top and a chamber pot. She saw the window above the basin ,tapping loudly to the wind. She went to it ,seeing it had no hatchet ,she looked around. Finding a clothe near the basin,she placed it in the sill and pulled the window hard against it and it stuck.

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