11. Healing all past hatred ,for new love

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He didn't refer to them as mom and dad cause they forbid him to do so. He didn't take out his hand to shake ,cause they told him ,he disgusts them. And he will disgrace them with his poor stench. Him behaving the way they wanted before ,hurt them more than they could say. The guilt in their hearts was immense. They knew ,the scars they caused will need years to repair. Dariah's eyes teared up again . She faced her husband ,her face a bit sad. She was biting her lip.

",Hello John". Emily greeted. She moved forward to him . He distinctively anticipated a slap. They have never hit him, but their words might as well have. Emily's teared. "I am sorry. How are you?". She asked. Hearing her apology ,he looked up in fright. He thought he didn't hear well. But he said ",I am alright. Thank you. " then he said a bit brave",Would you like to come inside. It is a bit cold." then added ",Of course if you don't want to ,I can go and book a private room at the restaurant -".he was cut off by Johan ",We would like to come in John." his voice soothing and gentle. He has misunderstood this young man. They thought he was using Dariah for money. They didn't even give Dariah her dowry. All along ,she survived by John's hard earned money. Not even nobles would have persisted this long without abusing their spouses.

John again had the shock of his life. His eyes wide. Dariah held his hand in support and gently squeezed. He looked at her. She smiled at him ",Breathe Mr King". It was habit to call her husband Mr King. He nodded breathing out. Then she said ".Come in." then said to Louisa and Devin ",You two ,how come...?".she left it standing. Devin said smiling and at that moment looked like his father ",We have an urgent family matter to attend to". Singling his arms over both his parents ,getting in between them. Making Mr King frown and Dariah giggled ,she actually giggled. Entering the house ,seeing the water basin on the table. Things took on a somber air.

Sitting down the table Dariah served tea. Devin asked ",Where's everyone?".he asked. Mr King said quietly as though any louder and he might be punished",Actually we asked Logan to take the wagon and go to town to visit and play with the reverent's kids. We actually want to keep Molly from stressing." but his hands which were holding the tea cup ,were tight around it. Dariah's gentle touch made him slack ,all his tension washed away. She resumed pouring tea. As though that mere touch was a mistake. But Emily and Johan knew it wasn't.

"Where is Molly?". Asked Loiusa with a concerned glance. ",Asleep finally. "answered Mr King with a helpless frown. Actually seeing Dariah and John ,they both looked turned and like they have had lack of rest. Then Dariah said sitting down",Did you find the doctor?". Her voice gentle and quiet. They realized it was to not wake Molly.

Johan nodded ",Yes. But he is too arrive tomorrow the earliest. We had sent for him from Bath. His journey is supposed to take about two to three days by carriage. When Mr King heard that he said his eyes holding tears",Thank you. I am sorry to bother you again. I am so useless ,I couldn't even protect my daughter. I am worthless ". He looked down. His tears lining his eyes. Dariah heart broke. "No it's not your fault . Not at all". She shook her head ,rubbing his back. Devin stood up ",Me and Lou will take a walk,to the reverent's house to pray for Joel". He said. Dariah said aghast ",But aren't you tired,or hungry. My poor babies ,why don't you rest a while ,I will cook for you". She said to the two.

",It's fine mother ,I am pretty sure Mother Gloria will stuff us full. Anything you need in town?". She was about to shake her head when Mr King said ",Earl grey tea and Gouda cheese slices with solid chocolate" . Devin nodded. The two left. The elder couple feet more guilt in their hearts. He knew what tea Johan liked. What cheese she liked ,what chocolate she liked. Before he couldn't afford these to entertain them.

"What happened?". Asked Johan. Dariah sighed ",Well ,it was the middle of winter ,last month ,before the biggest hail storm hit. When suddenly ,there was a rapid knocking. Joel came bearing Molly,having wrapped her in a blanket. He handed her to Mr King and rushed out in the hail storm. Mr King tried to stop him ,but he was adamant. Then he returned a while later with the doctor. The doctor entered ,but we couldn't see him. The hail hit. We thought he was a goner for sure. But then he came in. Frozen from head to toe. He was bleeding from his forehead. But all he cared about was having the doctor check Molly. When the doctor told us ,she was feverish and pregnant ,we were happy for her. Then after medication. Molly woke up. But Molly was afraid seeing Joel's wounds. He was actually very injured ,he had apparently drove his wagon too fast here,then the wagon broke . He jumped back to protect her from the impact. He did very well to protect her for she had no wounds on her body. After treating her, the doctor treated him. He was too injured ,the doctor was scared for him. He then fell into a coma after asking us not to tell Molly how injured he truly was."

Emily and Johan were sad. Johan then said ", Can we see her?". He asked . Mr King nodded. "Come". He stood. And walked in the passage way to Devin's room. They opened the door. Mr King entered the room. Seeing Molly was sleeping on the opposite cot. her husband was sleeping on the other cot. His blanket was just under his ribs. Frowning , Mr King went to his son in law, and covered him properly ,and took the cloth in the basin and wiped his forehead tenderly . Emily and Johan were guilty as when have they treated him with such affection.

",This is Joel ,my son in law. " he pointed Joel. Then went to Molly who was sleeping haphazardly ,her hand on the floor ,her legs ,one on the floor. He chuckled under his breath. "Molly ,you little minx". He then corrected her. Pulled the dress to her feet . Seeing her bare feet he ,looked around and found her socks. He dressed her gently ,careful not to wake her. Then he placed the other pillow under her bulging tummy ,to support her baby bump. Then covered her covered her. Then removing her hair from her face. And affectionately patted her hair. He stood up and sighed sadly looking at Molly. His shoulders sacked. He looked disappointed in himself.

",I felt like a failure for selling her. I tried to convince myself . That it was dowry. But ,I will never forget how heart broken she was when I told her". He whispered. His face down. He continued", Then when she married him,she became happy. I was glad. He is respectful. He is kind. He always has this look on his face. Like he'd do anything for her. His indulgence ,makes Dariah angry most of the times ,because it is against every etiquette known to her. It drives my wife crazy when Joel gives Molly his portion of chicken ,or let her burp,or giving her more than enough sugar. Or letting her run around the yard. For the first time in my life,I felt that I made a right decision for my kids ,when Joel came to me and proposed again . He told me that he genuinely loved my Molly". He said once again looking at Molly . He tightened his hand into a fist. "I would do anything to remove that look of despair on her face, she only deserves to be happy."

",If only I was smart enough ,I could've studied medicine and healed him myself. I am useless". He kept on depreciating himself looking at his daughter. Molly moved from side to side. She was feeling a bit uncomfortable. Then she remembered Joel is sick,she woke up with a start. Feeling sweat matting her forehead.

Seeing him still sleeping she sighed with relief the disappointment. Then seeing someone she said her eyes big ",Dad". She called out expectantly. He walked to her naturally. Helping her out he dressed her in her gown. The gown covering her nicely . Her baby bump well rounded. She then leaned sluggishly against him. "Papa he is not waking up. He doesn't want me anyone. He doesn't want us anymore". She rubbed her baby bump. He said hurriedly ",No. Of course he wants you. The both of you. He loves you very much ".he comforted. His in laws were also ashamed at the fact that they would have never told Dariah should the same occurred.

Molly shook her head ",Then why is t he waking up ? Are you all lying to me. Is he dead?". Her eyes brimming with tears. Mr King said ",He is not dead. I promise, come see". He pulled her gently towards Joel ",He is still breathing. His injuries are scabing. He is healing. He is very strong. He never once flinched when the doctor was stitching and stabbing him. He didn't even take alcohol as sedative ,he was wide awake until the end. He is just taking a little nap honey. He is going to wake up soon . I promise." he kept praising his son in law over and over again. Then he said ",But he is going to be angry at everyone by then". He frowned purposefully. Molly's eyes widened. He shook his head looking away from her. She got more incised ",Tell me ,why would he be mad papa?". She asked.

He sighed as though he was forced ",Well,he said we should take care of you awhile. But look at yourself. You lost all your weight. You hardly sleep. I don't know if you can recover before he comes to".

Molly blinked ",But I wanted to eat his cooking. Brine ,dumplings, tofu,soya ,ramen. And tea." her expression looked longing. He nodded ",When he wakes up ,you will eat all that . But you be well fed. Remember ,my dear grandchild doesn't know the difference between food yet. So he or she is hungry." as of on cue ,her stomach grumbled. ",See ,the baby agrees. Joel will be very angry at you for mistreating both you and the baby". He concluded. She looked at Joel then said ", Mr Strauss ,if I eat will you wake up? My dad says so. And my father never lies. So you wake up soon okay?". She asked. Then looked at Mr King ",He said okay". Mr King smiled. Patting her head affectionately.

author's note




love you all, aurriccah

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