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Then Joel said humbly ",Actually,father in my culture ,dowry is not in terms of money alone. But more of household items of good value. This proves the sincerity of the male's family to his bride. It might've been impromptu if me to marry her out of the blue ,but because I  saw her  and I decided to marry her only because I fell in love at first sight.  I didn't take advantage of your situation. I am sorry if it seems so. I only had to make sure I married her first. It is a tendency if mine to have what I want since young. I was a willful young master. Please forgive me. I mean no disrespect ."  

He then kowtowed three times on the floor ,creating three thuds . Molly looked at him,seeing his wounded forehead,her heart couldn't bear it. She ran to him and clutched  him tightly. "You ! Stop it immediately. Do you want to make me a widow this young!". She screamed.

He smiled at her ",I am only showing filial peity. It is part of my culture wangfei". 

Dariah had complex face. She signaled Logan. He pulled his siblings out. Molly looked at her husband,then her parents. She bit her lip. John felt a bit complicated . Then he said ",Stand. I shouldn't blame you for this. You are already treating us well and I can see my daughter anytime I so wish. This makes me happy. This,you don't have to continue to be standoffish ".

Joel laughed ",Then I thank you. And I thank you in advance ,since my father is not around ,I will need your guidance ,since I have never been married before ,nor have I court anyone either."?  Hearing that both parents were shocked. Molly laughed at him."That's why you blush when I kiss you or anything." she laughed.  He blushed. Her parents confirmed it ,their daughter is the perverted one. Joel is innocent. They suddenly had an urge to protect him from their lecherous daughter.

Then Molly stood him up and pulled his face down and kissed him smack on the lips in front of her parents then said ",That's how you do it!". She exclaimed. He blushed till the tips of his ears turned red. Her parents gave up. She is truly lecherous.

They ate a late luncheon with them. Then Joel said",I am not much of a handy man ,but I need  new furniture. And I want to extend the house ,also so Tracy can visit every weekend."He smiled fondly to Tracy who refused to sit anywhere apart from next to Molly and Joel. She truly seemed like their daughter.  Before they left John took the pallets and decided to make chairs and a dining table for his daughter. The most beautiful set he has ever made ,he vowed to himself.

When they got home that evening they were reminded of the reverent's  words .

Molly said ",That.. He spoke as though he worked at a whore house before ". She began the topic as they sat for their evening tea. She didn't like tea before ,but Joel's tea is the best. So much so that it had become a habit now to drink tea in the evening and at night."Yes ,I agree. He even gave us a yellow book. Wonder where he got it". He commented after opening the brown package to see the cover and the first page of the book.

"What is a yellow book?". Molly asked confused. He smiled at her ",I will show you". He gave her the book and looked away smirking. Seeing the first page and reading the contents ,her face started  burning ,until she couldn't handle it and threw the book back to Joel ,who let it hit his forehead ,he didn't catch it nor dodge.
She gaped ",I am so so sorry". Then grimaced. He shook his head smiling and just patted her head.

They continued to live peacefully the rest of the week,with Molly busy with the garden and Joel busy clearing space to increase the house,or widening the river meander,or painting the house. All in all they fell asleep tired every night,well Joel pretended to. Most if the time he just red the yellow book while Molly was asleep. Boys.

Sunday they went to church again. This time Molly was wearing a baby blue taffeta dress with her hair drawn into a fish tail braid. The tendrils framing her face. Joel was dressed in a pair of dark brown riding pants and boots,with a white shirt and half jersey. His bar this time was also done into a fish tail. He looked refreshing and regal. Dariah had suspicions in her heart for the identity of her son in law. He behaved all too well to be a normal person only. After church as always they visited her parents house ,had food,and talked for a long time then left with Tracy. A continuous cycle remained for two months .  The visit to the reverent was still as torturous ,but now they are a bit immune.

Louisa and Devin were already working in their respective posts,and were earning quiet a bit. Devin worked as a clerk for a bank in the town ,in fact it was his maternal grandparent's town. Trinket town,true to its name,it had all the trinkets the wealthy could buy. He ,being exceptionally good looking ,with Dariah engrained etiquette and Joel's tutoring for a month ,he made quite the name for himself. Many lasses would come and pester him endlessly. But his heart is set back home so he had no problem dissuading them. This made his manager happy as most lads lap up the attention. But when he thinks of his idols,Jesus,Dad and Joel,he  kept himself proper.

Louisa worked as a governor in the same town ,in a prominent household, the Valghorts . It is said the maids who work there always find good marriages. She being so pretty with dark hair she almost looked gypsy. But her green eyes gave her away. She actually worked five houses from her grandparents house. But because they stopped contact after Tracy was born,she didn't bother them.

Author note

Short chapter

Didn't want to kick the info

Love you all


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