15. We meet again love

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Molly was afraid. As she was made to sit on a log. She didn't know how long they traveled. She rubbed her baby bump. Willing her baby to survive. To live. To be alright. She felt her hand wet. Looking at her hand she saw blood. She looked down and saw her white dress red. She started crying",My baby. No ,not my baby".she clutched her womb. In anguish. They looked at her as she cried. Then as one of them was about to touch her she bit his hand ,and slew blood and his skin. He screamed ",You bitch!". Then slapped her do fast ,she spewed blood and saw stars. The leader frowned. "Step away Jack. I like them pretty".

"Sorry boss ,I was just testing the merchandise. And so far so-" he didn't get to finish. His head was severed from his body. They stood up in shock. Seeing a man who was not dressed much ,kill without expression. Even as seasoned as they were,they couldn't do such. Joel took a look at Molly then he attacked. He stabbed,he maimed meh kicked ,but most of all he amputated. Whether arm ,leg or head. The leader too was no match for Joel and be was soon left without both arms and legs. Finishing that he saw Molly and said worriedly seeing blood all over her",Molly". She was feeling faint. Joel was there. She is saved.",My baby". She cried before fainting. He picked her up and ran towards the village.

Everyone had just passed Emily and the others ,when they saw him returning. Holding Molly in his arms. Covered in blood from head to toe. His eyes focused on Molly. Moving gently yet fast enough to reach the village doctor on time. Seeing the others he said "Where is the doctor?&. He asked. The doctor had stayed back to asses Logan's bloody gush. He moved past them. Devin who heard from town and came rushing asked ",Where are they?". Joel pointed behind him. There were trees there. Passing by the trees they saw horror. The white in the ground which remained had turned to red. The bodies were mangled up ,their limbs served off. The groans of pain were heard . Others had their heads cut clean off. The villagers never saw such a gruesome scene. Johan was shocked. Such level of procession. Then he followed King who was following Joel's fast strides.

Joel marched towards the wagon . Seeing his father in law behind him he had a frown in his face. He then said",Let me hold her " . Mr King said. Joel shook his head ,"I am fine." Johan felt his lips twitch at that. Seeing the doctor ,Joel hastened his strides and getting to the doctor,his mother in law stood up ,her eyes red with worry that washed to relief. "Molly". She cried. Joel said straightforwardly ",Heal her. She was hit and bleeding from the abdomen". He said with no emotion. Abdomen ,they looked at Molly who had a red face. The doctor quickly assessed her and said ",She is fine." he said. Joel looked at him to finish ",The baby , I can't tell. And I am not a midwives. So I obviously cannot undress your wife to church." he swallowed when Joel's eyes turned steely.

The family froze. They looked at Joel's features. Then the local doctor came forth. The villagers just found out that Molly King was expecting. He said ",I can check ,without undressing her of course". He added quickly due to Joel's heavy gaze. Everyone so to say was a little bit afraid of Joel at the moment. To kill so proficiently without a sweat. He had Molly's bump exposed in the wagon and moved his hands over her belly. Checking the sides and feeling the outline ,he said coming out of the wagon . Daraih covered Molly up. Joel stood to the side ,still as half naked as he was ,with broad shoulders ,narrow waist. Ripped abdomen with washboard abs. His hands muscular but not too much. He always looked lanky ,but now ,he looked handsome.

The doctor said ",There was some bleeding of the endometrial lining,and de to some pressure from the pain, but her amnion sac held up well. The baby is find. A bit weak ,but fine. Some nourishing food should strengthen the baby. Plus she has been underfed," the doctor finished. Joel just arid and said nothing as everyone rejoiced,he said nothing. He just looked at Molly with a complex gaze. Although he looked calm and cool ,only he knew how terrified he had been.

Then everyone dispersed with the robbers who survived taken to the prison after some bandages. The rest were burned.

Reaching the house Louisa had been waiting anxiously for their return with Tracy and Elizabeth .

"Is Molly okay?",Tracy asked . Louisa said Picking up Tracy",Of course she will be fine . You will see". Tracy nodded. When they reached the house and Molly placed on the bed. Joel then sat besides her ,he looked her over,seeing the bruise on her face . He grew more angry . His hand bled to the floor ,due to clenching his hands. He covered her up nicely. Dariah said ",Let me wipe her face". Joel said ",I will do it ." Emily was behind Daraih. Joel took the bowl. Took the clothe ad gently wiped her face. He frowned when she frowned. When he finished ,he traced the hand print on her face. "She will be fine". Daraih said holding his shoulder. ",For now ,why don't you go bathe and eat something okay?". Joel looked at her and said softly",Ok mom". Daraih smiled

at him. Joel stood up reluctantly ,then bowed to Emily and left. Emily said ",He woke up".

Daraih nodded ",He kept murmuring Molly's name. Then suddenly we heard Hugh came. That's when villagers arrived and we saw Joel awake. He asked where Molly was and he ran after her. He just woke up from a coma. " Daraih pushed back Molly's hair.

Then in the living room Logan was explaining to his father what occurred. Johan was feeling sad and useless. His granddaughter was almost ruined. Mr King was very sad. Devin was feeling guilty. Then Joel walked in the living room. He was dressed in a black riding pants and a white shirt with a grey woolen jersey. With his boots. His hair let down . He looked even more majestic after his months long slumber. He bowed to them. Mr King stood ",You worried me half to death. How an you just wake up and run like that. What if you had aggravated your injuries!". Mr King scolded. Joel who was taller than Mr King ,didn't say anything. Then suddenly he kowtowed. Dariah and Emily gasped at this.

"Forgive me father. I only felt the urgent need to find Molly at the time. I felt she was in grave danger. I would rather die". He was kowtowing. Mr King stooped him by his shoulders. The tough Joel had shed tears. "I was very afraid father. That I would be too late".he said seriously ,but his eyes continued to shed tears. Mr King embraced him. "It is okay now, we thank the mighty God that she is alright now. That you are both alright". Joel sniffed ",All three of us". Mr King nodded. Joel was very happy ,he found the comfort of a father in this man ,who had never seen him as someone who took advantage of their situation,but as a son. After he was helped up by Mr King Daraih went to him cleaning his tears. ",Look at you ,so big ,yet you cry. And never kowtow again. You're going to break your head,get me?". She scolded softly. He nodded ",Yes mom". Then she said ",You must be hungry. Let's go and find you something to eat". She called. He noodled once more. Following her. Emily was floored. Johan was ashamed . The amount of affection given to this young man knew no bounds, some people treat their own kids harsher than that.

Sitting by the kitchen ,he was given soup first,then tea. Then some porridge. He must not be served concrete food yet. In the evening ,Molly woke up as they were Allen the living room ,some on the thick bear rug. She saw everyone. But her eyes froze on Joel. everyone saw what joel was looking at with such am indulgent smile on his face. He stood. She ran . She ran all the way to his embrace. He caught her gently,as she cried on his chest. She cried",You are real. You are not in my mind". He patted her hair",I am so sorry. I am very sorry Wangfei". Emily and Johan exchanged glances. That title. Their eyes imploding. "I thought you will never wake up. And leave me. I thought they killed my -". She pushed him and checked her baby bump."The baby is fine". He assured. Molly grew angry and slapped him hard. Then hit his chest until her fists hurt. He did not move. Daraih pulled her back. "Let her be mother.she is within her rights to be angry".

Molly screamed", It is your fault. Why did you decide to brace the whether. Where would I be if I was widowed. It is your fault ,I almost died today. It's your fault for worrying too much. For loving me too much. it's your fault I wasn't served breakfast in bed like you posed. Your fault. Dont you deny it!". She screamed. He smiled ",Yes,it is all my fault. I am very stupid and foolish . I am a foolish man in love." he smiled indulgently as he brought her to his chest. He cradled her."I am sorry. What a stupid man I am". He said. She nodded",Very stupid,then you go marring your beautiful features."she sulked. He nodded patiently. When she calmed down he said",Come. You look thin. You must've been giving mother and father trouble. I will cook for you be porridge bad you must finish it. Deal?". He asked. She nodded. They left to the kitchen.

Author's note




love you all, aurriccah

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