12.A grandparent's greatest treasure

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Emily and Johan were standing quietly at the threshold. So as to not disturb. Turning around Molly saw her grandparents. She distinctively cowered back a little. From all the children ,Molly was always the mischievous one. So they would scold her. Emily sighed. Mr King brought her to her grandparents. She covered her baby bump properly. Her cheeks flushed. ",Grand mother ,grandfather ". She greeted,strangely docile, and ladylike.

Emily went to her and cupped her cheeks ",What a beautiful pregnant woman. Our Molly is indeed lovely". She praised ,then she kissed the girl's forehead. Then said ",I am so ashamed and sorry for all my actions towards you and your father,mother and siblings. Especially you and your dad. Don't change the way you behave just because of me. I find you most adorable. Your parents called us because you are not eating . I will personally cook you porridge now ,come". She held her hands. And pulled her along. Molly let go of her preservations. Reaching the kitchen ,Dariah pulled out a chair for Molly. She went forward ",Ow my darling. My baby ,my precious. Come ,come". Dariah said kissing Molly's face all over. The effect being Molly's giggles. ",How is our Molly today ,how is my well behaved grandchild. This child is behaving more than both his parents". She rubbed Molly's baby bump then led her to sit. Emily realized,she never treated Dariah that way when she was pregnant. Though they did warm up in the very end. They were not so enthusiastic. Emily said ",Let me cook her ,your favorite porridge. I am sure she'd like it". Dariah nodded. They moved from the dining section of the kitchen to the cooking corner with a larger fireplace and oven. The unit built from stone and oak. ",What a lovely unit". Emily commented. Daraih smiled ",Indeed. Mr King built it for over three months. And the carvings took even longer".

Emily smiled ",It is lovely indeed. Do you think ,he could built me a tea table." Dariah smiled ",Of course. He'd love to".

At the table Johan said ",You look very lovely dear".he smiled.

"Thank you grandfather". Molly smiled. Then tea was served. Johan drank. Molly wrinkled her nose at her mother ",Is this Mr Strauss's tea?". She asked. Daraih smiled amusedly ",Are you so biased you don't want anything from your own mother?".

Molly blushed ",No . Thank you mother". She took the tea and hurriedly drank. Mr King took a handkerchief and wiped her chin. As though he knew it will happen. Molly smiled at him. ",It needs more sugar". She raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes. Mr King chuckled. Daraih helplessly gave her the tub of sugar ,her forehead black. Molly giggled pouring two more tea spoons of sugar. She drank it in one sip. Molly giggled. Then a while later Emily placed the steaming porridge in front of Molly. "Thank you. Mr Strauss usually makes me rice porridge with tea in the mornings and I would eat three full bowls". She giggle.

Then after praying she dug in. Truly the girl's manners were truly lacking. But this time ,no one had a bad remark about it. While she was eating enthusiastically for a while ,her enthusiasm faded away. Her eyes dimmed as she kept her head bowed as she ate. Mr King knew thus would happen. She always cried when she ate as though in pain. She was keeping silent but her tears kept falling on the table. She then became angry and ate angrily. She ate and ate ,fast and finished. Then asked for more. She ate and ate and took in a third bowl and finished. Then heaved looked at her father",Dad ,I ate. Will he wake up now?". She asked. Her eyes sad and imploding. Mr King looked as though he might cry. He brought her to his chest to cry. She cried and hiccuped ",Why ..was he ...so stupid". Then she burped. Mr King took a handkerchief ,from his wife and wiped Molly's face. She cried or a while. Then after drinking water she fell asleep on his chest. He looked down and sighed looking at her red eyes. His eyebrows frowning . His lips pursed. Dariah took the bowl from the table and gently squeezed his shoulder. And just like the previous time. He deflated.

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