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I tried to aviod eyecontact with Jacob.

Everyone else is on patrol. Its just him, myself and a riverbank. Wost yet he's right beside me. Like, I took a step away because his shoulder brushed mine yet he just stepped closer. I rose an eyebrow. 

And he smiled with a small shrug. "Sorry".

No you're not. I bit my lip. I'm a tad nervous. Here's hoping Quil feels it and comes rushing back. Its just Jacob, the Dick. Just a confident and hotter version. A more powerful if not radient version. I tusked.  "Sam's going to kill you".

I won't sugar coat it. Afterall that's the reason I'm here. To warn Jake so he doesn't get Seth and Leah killed. I stared up at him now. All business. "And Seth and Leah too. So send them home".

He rose his eyebrows at me in amusment. It was hot. "Is that an order?".

We were facing eachother now, neither of us backing down. He's not offened if anything its like he expected it. I huffed. "Yes".


Jacob tipped his head from side to side as if weighing it up. "And then what? I die and so do you?. That sounds like a great plan".

I shrugged. "Oh please, you'd have Quil".

Jacob sniggered. "Me and Quil vs Sam and his entire pack. You'll die".

I scoffed. "So I haven't worked out all the details yet!. But, they're my family".

He nodded. "And Quil's your cousin and I'm your imprint. This whole pack is your family. Besides, Leah and Seth were born for this otherwise the gene wouldn't have activated".

I could tell he wasn't backing down and neither will I. 

Fuck you, Jacob!. "Order them to go home before I do".

He smirked. "I'd just order them to stay. I out rule you".

Oh well, there goes that plan..."then...figure your shit out!".

He frowned. "That's mature. I'm suprised you didn't just stamp your foot there, Princess".

I felt my eye twitch. The audacity. "Do you have any damn idea what I've been through in the past twenty-four hours?!?. I like killed Embry!".

By accident of course. And well I don't think he's dead dead but he isn't getting up anytime soon, that's for sure. I stared down Black and he huffed before running a hand through his hair. "I thought you'd be safer in La Push".

He then narrowed his eyes suspiously. "Did Embry attack you?".

I rolled my eyes. "No. And not the poin-"

"Then why try to kill him, Ace!?!".

I could hear the judgment in his voice as I stared at the sky in frustration. "It was an accident".

This is getting us nowhere. He suprised me though by un-characteristically taking my hand and rubbing his thumb against my palm. "The warning helped us. We know Sam's plan now. So thank you."

Oh. I...wasn't expecting that. I sorta wanted to keep fighting. I flipped my hair like I wasn't bothered at all and nodded curtly. "You're welcome".

Not gonna lie, its bothering me he just gave up. Well, he didn't give up. He took my side. He accepted responsibility and agreed no! Thanked me.

But why does that irk me?!?.

Grow up, April. 

Just be the bigger person and don't start a fight. Cause theres no need for one, right?.

He admits you're right so...

Don't do it.

Don't go there....

Don't open your mouth and  say something so stupid like "What the fuck are you playing at?".

In all other scenarios I'd just interrupted a romantic walk on the river bank. The sun is setting, we're finally alone and not fighting because...b-because Jacob isn't Jacob anymore.

He sighed, in probably annoyance and looked at me expectantly. I exhaled. "You never agree with me".

He shrugged. "Couldn't have gotten that information on my own, so. Again thanks".

Deep breath, in and out. "We don't thank eachother. We fight, we hook up and we hate eachother".

Simple solid facts. 

He paused and stared at me for the longest time. I felt like he could see into the depths of my soul. Add in that weird tingly feeling and I could jump him. But I have self control.

"I don't hate you. I love you". He said it with all the seriousness of the world. 

And I can't look away. And I can't say it back. Which he knows from the slight crease of his eyebrows. 

I nod before gripping his hand tighter. "Not a lot of people take my side. Quil and Charlie have recently though. Although Quil is forced to and Charlie is like forty. So um, thanks for thanking me". 


I love you, 

okay, lemme just ramble to you instead of saying it back!.

He kissed my forehead but like its a pity kiss or maybe hes just been rejected so many times that, fuck it. "You should fight with me now".

He all but blinks and frowns. "Why?".

I can hear the annoyance mixed with anger and I feel myself smile. "Because I didn't say it back!. Even though I could, but I won't, so you can suffer".

He tusked. "Lucky me, then".

Just as I opened my mouth to retort a snigger caused me to turn around and find an entertained Leah and awkward looking Seth. 

Leah smirked. "And to think, I thought I was the one with relationship issues".

I kicked a small pebble and shot her a death glare. "Shut up, Leah".

I stormed off, following that weird pull feeling I knew would eventually lead me to Quil. Ignoring their pleas to come back. And to think, I was fighting to get their dumb- ease-dropping-asses home!.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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