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Que walked in and the first thing he said was "Why aren't you in your assigned seat sweetheart?".

Gee Gramps, I don't know. Maybe it's because it's next to the worlds biggest dick!

Naturally I didn't say that out loud and took a seat at the front. I'm going to be mature, and ignore the dick that's current smirking at me.



Okay now I'm ignoring him. I'm pretending to be busy by organising my pens in colour order because let's be real it's not like this class requires textbooks. Red, blue and black... god this is boring. Shit that only took two minutes, maybe I just needed more pens?

I casually reached over Black's desk and snatched the pen Quil was currently using. They held identical looks of confusion, although Quil's was mixed with anger. His glance went to the seven pens (in amazing coloured co ordination) on my desk to his slightly chewed (bloody disgusting) pen in my hand.

He rose his eyebrows at me "Don't you think you've got enough of your own pens there, Ace?"

"Obviously not if I took yours".

I placed it at the bottom of my pile in disgust and stared at Que who was currently talking about Spirit Warriors, what a surprise. 

I heard an over dramatic sigh come from Quil.

"You're not even using it!, that's my last pen and all I've got left is a blunt pencil!"

"Well then maybe someone should've been more prepared for class."

"I was before someone stole my pen". 

Jacob growled in annoyance between us and I realised I could annoy the hell out of him, while ignoring him and getting back at the disease. God it's like it's my birthday or something. For once one of plans may actually work. Plan piss off dumb and dumber while ignoring dumb is in action!

"Well it's my pen now, so grow a pair and get over it." I smirked back at him while watching his glare intensify. 

"I swear to God if you don't give it back I'll tell Grampa" he was smirking at me as if that's some great threat. 

I fake laughed "Oh realllly? Your going to tattle on me in front of all your friends?"

He growled as a response "Just give it back!"


"Give it!"

Omg he's reaching over for it.

"Get your disease ridden hands away from me!"

"Like I want your cooties, Now hand it over Cous!"


"Give it up you li'.." Black's hand had promptly slapped on Quil's mouth, shutting the bastard up. His glared went from Quil to me. He looked at me like I was an annoying child that he'd rather put  up for adoption than deal with. A look I've gotten from Sue Clearwater too many times to count.

His glare turned into a patronizing smile. And before I knew it his hot hand had touched mine sending the beautiful waves of warmth throughout my body.

"Thanks man". I quickly opened my eyes to find Quil's pen back in his hand and Jacob's cunning fucking smirk.

"Dick."  He rose his eyebrows at me


I gasped. That fucker!. 

I glared at him. "I hate you".

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